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Harry's POV
"Why the fuck didn't you ask Louis to be your boyfriend?!?" Niall scolded at me and I tilted my head. "Hello to you too," I said because he just walked in for work and that was the first thing that he said to me. "Harry, just answer my god damn question!" He shouted and I frowned.

"I believe the only person that I need to explain myself to is Louis, not you," I sassed and when I heard the door open again, I looked to see a shy Louis walking in. He had his head down and he didn't say anything to me or Niall.

Before he took the shot of sitting down. I walked around the counter and made him look at me.

"Are you okay Louis?" I asked and Niall scoffed, "Of course he's not okay. He was hoping for you to ask him to be yours for god sake!" Louis blushed and averted his eye gaze away from me.

I took his hand and he looked at me again. "We need to talk, privately," I said and walked the two of us out of the bakery and I was now facing him.

"Look Louis I know....I know you were expecting me to ask you to be my boyfriend yesterday, and I will not lie, I was very tempted to do so. I mean, you looked really cute and I didn't want any other guy think that they can have a way with you." I said and caressed his cheek.

"But I didn't want to rush into things. I didn't want our relationship begin just like that. There are relationships out there that do rush into things so fast, and they don't necessarily end in a good way. I didn't want us to be like that.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm saying that I want us to stay as friends, because that's absolutely wrong. I just don't want us to be official yet.

I mean, of course I like kissing you and holding you, so of course we're not going to be "just friends". We'll just be dating. I just don't want to risk losing a person like you. Whenever I look at you, all I want to do is kiss you and hold you. I'm not saying I love you yet, but I have grown very fond of you. I just want to go slow, but I will ask you to mine someday, but not now. I just can't think of losing you because we we-" I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine. It did shut me up, so when we pulled away, he was smiling at me again.

"I understand Harry, and I love the fact that you want to go slow so that you won't loose me. I don't mind not being official, and of course I'm fine with us just dating. No labels, just the two of us will just be dating. It's fine, but you better ask me soon." He warned me.

I chuckled and nodded. "Of course I will love, now will I get a kiss, or what?" I asked and that made him giggle before he stood on his tippy-toes and he kissed me again. It was sweet and soft like the ones we've shared before.

"And who knows, maybe it'll be a birthday gift to a certain someone~" I whispered and I felt him shiver and I grinned. I opened the door again and I held it for him and we walked into the bakery together. I walked to the back and into the kitchen while Louis told Niall everything that I said and Niall was okay with it.

He looked at me and d I looked back at him. He smiled and gave me the big thumbs up and a big smile. I smiled back at him before I got to work. Louis didn't have to order anythinh, because I knew what he wanted, and that was one of my own pastries.

I worked around the kitchen and worked very long before o finished up on the cupcake that I made for Louis.

I worked around the kitchen and worked very long before o finished up on the cupcake that I made for Louis

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I handed the cupcake to Niall and he smiled before he walked to Louis and gave him his cupcake of the day. Louis looked at it and jumped in his seat. "It's a s'more!" He cheered and I cooed at him. "Yes it is love~" I responded and he looked at me, winked, then took a bite of the cupcake.

"Holy fuck this is so good!" Louis spoke with his mouth full and I laughed.

"Baby, chew, swallow, then speek," I said before I got back to my job. I could hear them talk to one another and their topic of choice made me smile.

"You're really lucky Lou. You've got a hot, talented, sexy future boyfriend in your life. How are you feeling right now?" He asked Louis and I heard a cute giggle which I just know came from Louis.

"I still feel like as if my life is still pulling a prank on me. I mean, have you seen me? How can a person like me be with a hunk like Harry?" Niall chuckled and I grinned.

Life does have a lot of suprised Lou~

I worked on more orders and when it came to my lunch break, I took off my apron and walked out. Louis was still here and he was on his phone. I smiled and walked up from behind.

"Wanna go out with me for lunch?" I asked and I could tell that I scared him because he jerked and turned so fast. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Not funny! I nearly had a heart attack!" Louis pouted and I laughed a bit more before I leaned in and kissed the pout away.

"Now about that lunch date?" I asked and he brightened up again. "Sure!" He spoke with a bright smile that made me smile as well.

I took his hand and led him out of the shop. I decided to walk around town and see what there is to eat that's actually interesting.

We've stopped by an ice cream parlor, Olive Garden, and Starbucks.

And let me tell you how cute Louis looked throughout the entire thing. The way he licked the ice cream like as if he was a kitten was adorable. However, the only thing that topped everything off was...HE HAS SWEATER PAWS. Like you can never look at me dead in the eye and say that doesn't scream 'Cute as fuck!' And he calls himself the lucky one...

We walked back to the bakery and Louis sat in his normal stool while I got back to my station in the back. I put my apron back on and I heard the door open and on came Niall. He put his apron on as well, but walked back out to get the orders.

The rest of my shift went well. Louis and I talked a few times and we may have shared a few makeout sessions every now and again.

I wasn't lying when I said that I always want to kiss him whenever I see him.

Watch out Louis, because soon you will be mine...
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