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Louis's POV
"Niall! What the hell should I wear?!?" I shouted as I was throwing clothes and outfits out of my closet.

In all honesty, I have no clue what the hell I was thinking when I chose these clothes. All that was going through my mind was...What the fucking hell is this?!? Where did I get this one?!? Why the hell does Harry find anything about me attractive in this shit!

"How about weiz them up? Let's put these two together and...oh my god, Harry would love to see you in this! Try it on!" Niall told me a d I didn't look at what he was holding up. I just took the outfit and walked into my bathroom to get ready.

When I was finished, I looked into the mirror and smiled. Niall picked the right outfit because Harry is going to think that I am absolutely adorable!

 Niall picked the right outfit because Harry is going to think that I am absolutely adorable!

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I walked out of the bathroom and saw Niall waiting on me. When he saw me, he squealed and hopped on his fee. "Harry is going to want to ask you to be his boyfriend once he sees you tonight!" He cheered and I cheered with him.

I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Harry.

Lou: I'm ready when you are!

I pit my phone back in my pocket and I walked to the living room to wait on Harry. I turned the screen on an I waited for about 5 minutes until I heard a soft knock coming from the front door.

I squealed and turned the TV off. I stood up and pranced to the door, opening it. Harry was standing on our porch with a bouquet of flowers and sweets. I smiled and walked up to him, taking the gifts. I walked to a close by table an d placed the gifts on them.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked him as I linked my arms with his. He grinned and lifted up my hands to place a warm and soft kiss on the back of my palm. I giggled softly and he looked into my eyes with so much care and fondness.

"I believe that is something for me to know and you to never find out~" Harry whispered into my ear, which made me shiver from underneath him.

"O-okay," I stuttered and that made Harry chuckle before he walked me to his truck, but I pouted because he knew that I couldn't reach the handle that helps you get into the truck.

He looked at me, then at the passenger seat. He smiled before he went behind me and lifted me up. I yelped, but I figured out what he was doing and I goggled. I was able to reach the seat and I held onto it before I sat in it.

Harry made sure that I was okay before he walked to the other side of the truck and got into the drivers seat. I looked at him and I looked at his hand that was close to mine and I slowly reached for it, but then he quickly grabbed mine in his

Having him hold my hand like this makes me so happy. It feels so warm and I feel th as t electricity that would shoot up and through my body from whenever we make any type of contact.

He smile at me and backed out of my driveway before he drove to the first place that he had planned for us

It was an arena, but I didn't exactly know what we were going to see, but he got out of the truck, so I just opened my door. With the fear of falling, I didn't move from my seat. To my luck though, Harry was there to get me.

He then turned around and I tilted my head, "Well come on then, hop on," He said and I hesitated before I got onto his back. He held my thighs in place and he closed my door for me. I thought that he was going to put me down, but I was wrong. He walked me all of the way to and into the building.

"So your friend Niall had told me that you are insanely obsessed with The Fray?" Harry mentioned and I nodded followed by a hum. "Yeah, I love them so much!" I said all chirpy and giddy.

"Good, because now these tickets didn't go to waste," Harry said and I was confused until a second later I then reali5what he meant.

"Harry, you didn't..." I said with a grin. "Yup, I did. Mind holding out your wrist?" He asked and I nodded and had my wrist in front of his face. He dug something from his pocket and slipped a band onto my wrist.

"There is your pass to get in and..." he rummaged through the small bag that he had and pulled out a lanyard with an id. "This is your backstage pass," He said and turned to face me, putting the lanyard around my neck.

"Oh. My. God. You didn't!" I was hopping now and that made him smile fondly at me.

"Like I said love, I did," He said and he took out his own passed and put then on himself.

This definitely tops Zayn's version of a date.

I had the best time of my life in there, and I noticed how Harry would glance at me adoringly, like as if I'm too precious for a world like this.

After the concert and the almost dying from meeting them face-to-face. Harry took me to an ice cream parlor and we shared an ice cream together.

After that, he took me to the carnival. He made sure at the right time that we had to take the ferris wheel so that it would stop midway and we could look up and into the sky as we enjoy each others company.

Harry is seriously the best when it comes to dates. He was so right when he said that he's a pro at it.

However, I'm a bit disappointed. I mean, I thought that he might ask me to be his boyfriend tonight, but he hasn't. He just took me to different places and different things. Sure, he kissed me a few times and held me like as if I belonged to him, but he never asked the one question that I was pretty much begging for him to ask.

It kind of hurt, but I guess that I was just so stupid to think that a guy like him would ask someone like me to be his.

He walked me to his truck and he helped me up again before he got onto his side. He entered the vehicle and pulled out of a parking lot and started to drive me back to my place.

He didn't hold my hand this time, and the car ride back was silent. It was like as if we both knew what was wrong, but we didn't say anything about it. It was akward, but I tried to ignore it.

We arrived at my flat and I got out of the car with no help. He walked me to my front door and we faced each other.

"Hope to do something like this again, eh?" He asked and I acted like as if u was okay and I nodded with a smile. He leaned down a bit and kissed me.

He broke away from me and smiled again before he walked away. I sighed a d turned to enter my home with a disappointed look on my face.

I'm so stupid...
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