Battle Training

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Jinx skipped with Shan. He didn't know what happening, and he guessed Shan didn't know too. Soon, they reached a sandy area with Ovlan and some young Greencloak with blond hair and a stag as a spirit animal. (Author's note: You might be thinking that's impossible because you can't summon a Great Beast's species BUT Tellun is an ELK, not a STAG. Stags are different from elks.)

"Hello Shan," addressed Ovlan. "You are about to battle train with Natalie. You may use this spear." He gave Shan a spear.

"Hi!" said the stag. Jinx peered through Shan's legs and saw the stag. He was brown with a darker brown snout and freckles.

"Howdy do!" mewed Jinx. "I guess we should know each other before we fight. I'm Jinx by the way."

"I'm Autumn," said the stag. Jinx studied Autumn's horns and found them to be quite small but sharp. He definitely didn't want to be poked by those. Jinx looked at Shan, who seemed to be talking with Natalie.

"Get ready Greencloaks," warned Ovlan. "You are about to train. First though, I would like to go over some rules. This is training, so don't try to hurt each other. Your main goal is to pin the other down for five seconds. You can't go out of the circle, otherwise you lose. Do NOT try to poke each other in the eye. Now let's start." He blew the whistle and Jinx quickly went to Shan's side. Shan was having trouble with the spear, and she almost couldn't block Natalie's moves. Autumn was behind Shan, about to attack.
NO, Jinx thought fiercely. He jumped on Autumn and play bite his side. Autumn reared his back and tried to buck Jinx off his back. Jinx used Autumn's back as a booster and jumped on Natalie. She staggered and tried to get Jinx off but he clug on. He saw Shan attacking Autumn and thought she was doing fine. She didn't need help. Suddenly he flew off Natalie and crashed on the ground. He was dazed when Autumn leaped upon him. He was pinning him down! If he was out, Shan would have to fight Natalie AND Autumn. Jinx couldn't let happen. He slipped under Autumn and leaped onto Natalie. He lightly scratched Natalie. Shan was fighting Autumn. It was Natalie and Jinx now. He held onto Natalie and stayed like that. Natalie suddenly laid on her back, crushing Jinx. He couldn't breath, and he knew his paw swipes were useless now. One second passed...two seconds...three seconds... four seconds... Jinx frantically swiped his paws, knowing it was useless. Then he saw a blur and he was able to breath again. He knew he failed Shan, but realized Natalie got off him. He couldn't hear anymore battle noises and he looked up.  Shan's friend, Isla and Moonshadow was there, panting. They both had battle wounds. 

"What happened?" demand Ovlan. 

"Oathbound," Isla panted. "They're attacking."

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