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Eureka woke up the next morning. When he became leader, he suddenly felt like duty was calling for him. Eureka flew up into the air and circling the temporary camp. The tents were now little brown blobs. Eureka spied the area for any creeps. So far, nothing. Eureka flew down and cried a morning call. Jinx was the first one to appear to the main site. He yawned.

"Why are we up SO early?" complained Jinx. He yawned again and then one by one, the spirit animals came. Solar was the last one to come, with a sleeping hat, a sleeping mask, and a teddy bear was with him. 

"Ugh, I HATE this. When can we come back?" asked Solar. Eureka rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so everyone is here? Good, we need to pack and get to a nearby small town now. The Oathbound could be following us and I want to move way before they move. Once everyone packed their things, I will carry out instructions." Eureka ordered. He felt more like a leader.  Eureka swooped down and begin packing his things. He folded his tent into a backpack and put some food leftover from last night and some water from a tiny stream up ahead. Finally, he grabbed a picture of him and Yan. Eureka suddenly felt a pang of sadness. He missed Yan and wished she was with him. He fondly put the picture inside his backpack. Jinx trotted up to Eureka and Eureka turned his head around so he can talk to Jinx.

"Uh, hey Eureka? How are we gonna find this "Amayan Compass" thing? Because no one had ever found it. I'm not sure we can find it. Are we gonna even come back home?" Eureka paused at the last question, pondering about the question. Eureka imaged one where they all come home with their mission complete, and they were with their summoners. Another one was where everyone died and the Oathbound ruled the world. Eureka definitely wanted the first choice. He took a deep breath.

"I don't know if all of us are gonna make it," Eureka said as he glance at Solar. "But I'm trying my best to keep everyone in one piece. Just believe you can make it because it's not gonna help me if you all want to die." Jinx stared at his paws before looking Eureka in the eyes.

"Okay." Jinx went back to packing. When everyone was done packing, Eureka sat on his backpack. 

"Is everyone here?" Eureka asked. He counted the numbers and everyone was here. "Okay, so we don't want to be ambushed so smaller spirit animals can take turns riding on bigger spirit animal's back, watching out for creeps. Okay? When we reach the smaller town, everyone find a shelter that can be our home until we find the location of The Amayan Compass."


After an hour, the spirit animals reached the small town. Everyone was at least another spirit animal. Finally, Claw and Coconut found a recently abandoned house  with two floors.

"Perfect," said Eureka. "Everyone: Move in." Eureka was unpacked his things then he gather everyone into a room with a couch and a table. Eureka flew onto the table and cleared his throat.

I'm getting better at this, Eureka thought with pride. "Okay, so everyone we are staying at this house until we can find a close location for The Amaya Compass. This area shall be known as The Meeting Place. The kitchens and the dinning room shall be where we eat. The piano room shall be for lookouts and a place to relax. The restrooms are where you make your waste and the bedrooms will be where most of your things are and for sleeping. I will assign spirit animals to trade with the spirit animal shops for blue and pink paint and paint brushes. They will paint the doors and blue stands for the male spirit animals' rooms while pink stands for the female spirit animals' room. Spilt the rooms evenly, painters. I will assign lookouts, hunters, and spirit animals to come with me. Your deputy will be  Moonshadow. Painters are Salt and Cookie. Hunters for the carnivores is Ji Li and Claw. The hunters for the herbivores is Coconut and Midnight. Moonshadow, assign lookouts. Jinx and Sunshine, come with me." Eureka flew down the table. Solar leaped up to Eureka.

"Eureka, why can't I be deputy? I'll make a GREAT one." complained Solar. "Besides, I'm bigger and I look better than Moonshadow!" Eureka sternly looked at Solar. "I'll have spirit animals have more liberty verus your CRUELTY. See the difference? Come on, just give me the leadership and you'll be amazed of what I do."  

"Solar, I need a deputy to be fair with everyone. I know you hate Jinx and you might as well give him some hard tasks. I can't just give my leadership to you anyway. You have to EARN my trust and I need hard-working, smart, and strong spirit animals by my side, not some lazy and disobedient spirit animals. I need to go anyway." Eureka could hear Solar snort as he flew to the entrance. Jinx and Sunshine was waiting for him. 

"When can we go?" asked Sunshine.

"Now" responded Eureka.  

Spirit Animals: Danger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now