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Eureka felt like he was on top of the world. He was now leader of a group! Now all they had to do was get a lot of spirit animals to travel with them. Before Eureka and his gang (Jinx and Sunshine) left, he asked the ibis a question.

"Er, excuse me? I was just wondering if we could bring our summoners." The ibis took a deep breath.

"I'm afraid not. You must have a lot of spirit animals with you, but not summoners. You might draw attention to unwanted dangers." Eureka froze for a second and he kept replaying what the ibis said in his mind. No summoners? Crazy! Still, Eureka knew the ibis is never wrong, so that means when he collected spirit animals, he will have to warn them that they will have to leave their summoners. He thought of Yan and sighed. He wished she could come. For now, he would have to help his new group.

"Um now I guess we split up to find spirit animals? We'll meet here after we collected a talonful." Eureka announced.

"Great plan! I'll go right now!" Sunshine peeped as she flew off in one direction. Without a word, Jinx smoothly ran towards a different direction. Eureka flew in his tower direction and soon he meet up with Coconut. 

"Um, hey Coconut, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Eureka. What is it?"

"Um, me, Jinx, and Sunshine are in a prophecy and we need a talonful of spirit animals to join us. If you want to join , you must leave your summoner. Will you join us?" Coconut thought for a moment, his expression changing from worry to an eager look and a determined look. Then, Eureka held his breath while he spoke.

"If this is about saving the world, count me in." Eureka sighed of relief. 

"Okay, so me us at the quests board with food, water, and two or one light possessions in a bag." Coconut nodded and trotted away. Eureka searched for more spirit animals who wanted to join. Soon, he had got Autumn, Claw, and a spotted lion named Solar. Eureka flew towards the quest board, where he saw Autumn, Jinx, Claw, Solar, a Marine Iguana named Salt, a female Black Panther named Midnight, Sunshine, Cookie, Ji Li (Eureka was glad he came.), and Moonshadow came with a bag. Eureka looked around. I should probably make a speech, Eureka though suddenly.  They might not come back. They'll need to remember this. Eureka cleared his throat, loud enough for the spirit animals to listen up. "Um, okay," Eureka said. "I know you're excited, but please let this be a reminder we might not make it. We are traveling to save the Greencloaks and stop a war. If you die, remember you died for peace, not war. Now, let's begin our journey. We will begin in Amaya, to collect The Amayan Compass." Eureka knew they had to collect The  Items to defeat the Oathbound. Each item is located in one country. They have  a power themselves,but almost useless without each other. When they are combined together, they  are very powerful.(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is NOT a rip-off of the Infinity Stones,  we thought of this ourselves.) Eureka lead the way, towards the bay where they can sneak onto a ship sailing for Amaya. He lead the group into a opened cabin in the ship. "Unpack your things," ordered Eureka. He watched the group unpacked his things. Eureka felt like he was starting a new life. Soon the ship begin to sail. Eureka watched as Moonshadow tearfully meowed as the sight of Greenhaven was melting away, getting smaller and smaller until it was nothing more. Eureka sighed at himself and hoped he had made the right decision.

Spirit Animals: Danger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now