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Sunshine sat on the window still, watching the waves lap against the ship. It was only a few hours ago that Sunshine left Greenhaven with Eureka, Jinx, Cookie, Ji Li, Claw, Autumn, Solar, Moonshadow, Midnight, Coconut, and Salt to travel to Amaya, to uncover The Amayan Compass. Sunshine peered over to Solar, who was showing off his reddish mane to "Impress" Midnight and Cookie, but neither of them were watching him. Eureka told the group they couldn't be seen outside of the small room, because they didn't pay for tickets and they would be sent back to Greenhaven. Sunshine decided to fly around the room, and preview everyone. Solar was still showing off his stupid mane, Cookie and Midnight were talking, Jinx and Ji Li were playing with a deck of cards (How to play: Whoever "Kills" the most "Oathbound" (Cards) wins. They were making a mess and a racket), Claw was learning how to make a bomb from Coconut, Moonshadow and Autumn was sleeping, Salt was sitting on the window still, watching the waves (Like Sunshine) and Eureka was on top of the room, watching everyone with his stern blue eyes. Sunshine sighed. When are they going to get to Amaya? Sunshine bet herself she was going to get bored. She counted her feathers to past the time. Then she was interrupted to eat lunch. Sunshine got flowers, and they tasted sweet, but not crazy sweet, just sweet. For the next few hours, Sunshine was playing Cards with Jinx (Jinx won), Salt, Midnight, and Cookie was watching the waves (Sunshine wondered how Salt isn't bored yet), Ji Li was scratching a small dummy he brought (It had a lot of patched spots), Solar was  flexing, Midnight was examining her claws, Coconut was working on another bomb, Claw was trying to climb to a bunk bed, and Eureka was still watching everyone. By dinner, Sunshine was really bored. It was flower again, but this time, it was a SUNFLOWER. 

"Okay, everyone, go to sleep. We will leave at dawn, where the ship will be docked at Amaya, but everyone is still asleep. Then we'll sneak out and travel to Concorba. That is all. Night, spirit animals." Eureka flew to the ceiling and closed the lights. While Eureka was sleeping with Claw, Jinx, Autumn, Midnight, and Solar, Sunshine was snuggling with Moonshadow, Salt, Coconut, Cookie, and Ji Li. When you're on a ship overnight, nights can become frosty, so Sunshine was next to Ji Li. Sunshine was also not so use to cold, as she was in South Amaya and it was always hot there. Sunshine was drifting to sleep, in a dream...

Sunshine was in the rainforest, flying around with her friends while her mother and father was watching. Sunshine knew this was a dream,  but she enjoyed feeling the air all around her, the giggles and chirps of her friends, and Sunshine could feel her parents watching her with pride. Sunshine's little brother, Hoot, was trying to catch up with Sunshine and her friends. Dew, her best friend, flew all around her and playfully pecked Sunshine on the wing. Sunshine giggled and pecked Dew back. Core, her other best friend, defended Sunshine from Dew by blocking Dew's moves. Sunshine laughed. Later at dinner, Sunshine was eating her favorite type of flower with Core and Dew. Hoot jumped around Sunshine's feet, chirping "Sunore! Sunore!" Wait, Sunshine and Core as a ship name? That didn't make any sense. Hoot was chirping "Mud pie! Mud pie!" Suddenly, Dew pecked Sunshine on the head. "OW that hurts!" Sunshine yelped. Then Hoot started doing it. Soon, everyone was pecking Sunshine. "Sunshine wake up! Sunshine? Sunshine..." Sunshine looked up ready to fight. Instead was Eureka, gently pecking Sunshine to wake up.

"It's time to leave," said Eureka. Sunshine shook her head to clear the nightmare and started packing right away. Sunshine felt homesick.

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