Traveling Spirit Animals

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Autumn was walking with Salt on his back. They were traveling to Concorba, where The Amayan Compass was hidden under piles of rock. Autumn was in the back, a dangerous spot to be if a attack came from behind. Almost no one wanted to do it but Autumn and Ji Li. Autumn was a little wary of the white tiger because of his fierce personality. Finally, they have reached Concorba. Autumn sighed of relief that no one had attacked them during their travel. It was afternoon and Eureka ordered everyone to find a shelter. Autumn and Ji Li went together, looking for a shelter for the night. Autumn looked everywhere until he saw a old shed. It was big enough to fit everyone and a extra ting space. 

"Do you think that'll work?" asked Autumn as he pointed to the shed.

"As long as it doesn't collapse, I think I'm fine with that," responded Ji Li. "Come on, we gotta tell Eureka what we've found." Autumn followed Ji Li as they went to Eureka. Eureka was on a nest, waiting for everyone's report. When Eureka saw Autumn and Ji Li, his expression changed a bit to excitement.

"Anything to report?" asked Eureka.

"Yeah!" stated Autumn. "In fact, we found a shed! It could fit all of us and it has a extra tiny space!" Eureka nodded his head.

"Good. Ji Li, get everyone else and tell them to come here." said Eureka. He settled into his nest a bit more relaxed. Autumn sat down and waited for everyone. Slowly, spirit animals came one by one. Soon everyone was there. Eureka cleared his throat.

He clears his throat a lot of times, thought Autumn. Why does he do that?  

"Everyone, we are here to gather for a meeting. Autumn and Ji Li has found a shed for the night. In the morning, we will travel to the heart of Concorba and get The Amayan Compass. Once that's done, we will decide who will wield The Amayan Compass. Moonshadow, assign hunting patrols. Meeting dismissed." Eureka flew down and motion everyone to follow him. This time, Autumn was in the middle of the group. He was glad because he didn't want to be the first one to get killed if they were ambushed. They reached the shed and Eureka told everyone to unpack then Moonshadow could assign hunting patrols. Autumn sat down and hoped he wasn't gonna get chosen for collecting food for the herbivores because his hooves were tired and he need rest. Luckily, he wasn't chose. He laid down onto the floor and did nothing. After all, there was nothing to do. All he had to do was nothing. Thirty minutes has passed. Autumn felt like it was six hours. He wished he was chosen to do something now. He played with his hooves. He watched spirit animals. He stared at the wall. Now he was really bored. He sighed and sat up. Moonshadow was coming towards him.

FINALLY! Autumn's mind screamed inside his head. He leaped up as Moonshadow was in front of him.

"Hey Autumn, you're in a border patrol with Coconut," said Moonshadow. Autumn nodded. He went over to Coconut.

"Hey Coconut," Said Autumn. "We're on a patrol."

"Let's go!" replied Coconut. He bounce off the rock he was on and trotted alongside Autumn to a huge rock. Autumn looked around and saw strawberries. 

"Hey look! Strawberries!" Autumn said. He collected the strawberries. "I call dibs on strawberries!" Autumn called out. 

Well, that was boring, thought Autumn. He came back with strawberries and no interesting report. He thought he saw a black flash and shrugged. That must've been Jinx. Autumn settled to sleep. As he was about to sleep, he saw a piece of black cloth. 

Spirit Animals: Danger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now