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"Welcome, welcome!" greeted a man with a beard. He smelled like coffee beans, and Eureka already thought he was corny. "I'm Olvan, the leader of the Greencloaks. You're Shan and Yan, right?" Both twins nod at the same time. Eureka looked at Jinx, who seem to enjoy the coffee beans scent. 

"What's that delicious smell?" asked Jinx. Eureka rolled his eyes. 

"It's coffee beans," He answered. 

"Oh, um I definitely knew that," Jinx stated quickly. If Jinx was trying to impress him, he was already FAILING. Olvan the corny man lead them to their towers. 

"TOODLES!" Shouted Jinx as he and his summoner steer away from them and went into their own towers. Eureka was glad he wasn't sleeping with Jinx, because he would probably chatter THE WHOLE NIGHT.


Yan and Eureka stared at the empty room. It was just an empty room (With a window and a window seat.) 

"This is your new room!" Olvan announced. "During quests, you'll find gold. You can use that to buy furniture, toys, and other stuff. You can only get Greenheart tokens if you bond with your spirit animal. Greenheart tokens are used to buy better things, such as a high-quality sword. Seen you later!" Olvan left the room, shutting the door behind him. Yan stare at the ceiling.

"Okay, FIRST of all, this room needs a HOLE in the ceiling, but NOT a tiny hole. We need a HUGE hole so you can fly in and out of the room, and we'll have fresh air. Don't worry about mosquitos, I brought LAVENDER. Those mosquitos wouldn't dare come near!" Yan told Eureka. "We need a saw to cut the hole. How about doing chores around Greenhaven?" Eureka nodded. Yan was right about needing a hole in the ceiling. Even if they had to do chores instead of heroic quests, they'll still get that hole.


After 3 long hours of exhausting and disgusting work, Yan and Eureka got the gold they earned. Yan went to Mustela to buy the saw they needed. While waiting in line, a person named Lin greeted Yan gleefully. They begin talking about stuff. Lin's spirit animal, a bananaquit named Sunshine, speaked to Eureka.

"Hi, I'm Sunshine!" chirped the small bird. Eureka looked down.

"I'm Eureka," he responded. At least Sunshine wasn't annoying as Jinx.

"What are you here for? Me and Lin are here for nectar." 

"Well, me and Yan are here for a saw," Sunshine cocked her head.


"To make a huge hole in the ceiling so I could fly in and out."  While Eureka and Sunshine were talking, Lin bought the nectar. She waved to Yan and whistled to Sunshine.

"See you soon!" squawked Sunshine as she fly away with Lin. Yan motioned Eureka to move, and there they are, in front of Musta.

"Good afternoon! What can I do for you?" asked Mustela.

"We would like to buy a saw," replied Yan.

"Very well then," said Mustela. He left the desk to get the saw. 

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" shouted an animal behind Eureka. Eureka spring into action, twisting his body to face his opponent, ready to attack. He saw mischievous green eyes with a black pelt to go with it. It was Jinx. 

Spirit Animals: Danger RisingWhere stories live. Discover now