Invasion at Greenhaven

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A few seconds ago, Eureka was soaring with his summoner, Yan, and they were racing with Sunshine and her summoner, Lin. Now they were fighting the disbanded Oathbound. Yan send Isla and Moonshadow to tell Ovlan and get reinforcements. They weren't fighting too bad, but the Oathbound had exprecince. They were losing, and all Eureka could do was fight until reinforcements came or he died. He dived at a Oathbound person who was fighting Yan. Yan was fighting at least three people by herself. Eureka took his claws and scratched the attacker on the back. He cried in pain and whirled around to face him. Eureka shrieked and swiped his claws again at the attacker. Then, another Oathbound attacked him from the back. Eureka remembered how he died. It was somewhat time ago, when Eureka was young and foolish. He was trying to save a trapped rabbit, but the hunter stabbed Eureka in the back just as he gave the rabbit its freedom. 

This wouldn't happen again! Eureka thought angrily. He twirled around, expecting the attacker to stab him again. However, the attacker was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a flash of black dove right behind Eureka and attacked the striker. It was Jinx! Eureka saw Shan fight back to back with Yan while a blond girl defended Lin. Lin was inspecting Sunshine's wounds. A stag attacked three people at once. Eureka saw more spirit animals and summoners come and help them fight. Reinforcements had come! The Greencloak doctor stood besides Lin, tending to her and Sunshine's wounds. Yan staggered to Eureka, and she hugged him.

"Thank goodness you're alive," she whispered. "I didn't know what I'll do without you." Eureka felt the same, even though they were bonded to each other for a short time. The Greencloak nurse came towards Yan.

"Come with me inside the tents. You're in no condition to fight," the nurse told Yan. Yan left along with Eureka. Eureka felt his wounds burn into his feathers. He was too hurt to fly and that would be like waving a flag that read "WE'RE OVER HERE! COME AND KILL US!" so Eureka slumped on Yan's shoulder. They went inside the tent, and Yan urged the nurse to treat Eureka first. Eureka was grateful because when she put the medicine on Eureka, it first stung but then it cooled down. Eureka felt like he was ready to fight again, but he knew he couldn't. After treating Yan, they both peeked outside. The battle was over, and thankfully no Greencloak died. However, there was a few Oathbound corpses. Eureka saw a tiger proudly showing its kill to its summoner. The gift was a fish, and the summoner shared the fish with the tiger, giving it the juicy parts of the fish. Eureka looked around and saw Jinx play fighting with Shan, although Shan looked tired.

The battle was tiring. Why is he so energetic? wondered Eureka. He sighed. Then he snuggled next to Yan, keeping her warm until he fell asleep.

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