feeling cranky?

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The crank my brother sold ⬆️

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The crank my brother sold ⬆️

My brother works at Walmart at the trailor dock and he unloads some swift trucks (swift trucking eats fucking ass) and the trucker ripped the crank of his landing gear on his trailor and gave it to my brother.  I dont know why he did it but my brother sticks the crank in his butt and one time it was the middle of the night, my brother was cranking himself then all a sudden I hear something metal fall on the floor and my brother shouted "ow, fuck stupid crank fell outta mi ass! Auuugghh!" My mom came rushing into his room and saw crank, they had a lil talk and she let him keep the fucking crank. My brother got sick of the crank so he sold it (that gross looking pitch black crank pictured before the writing is my brother's booty product) dont worry though, he wasn't done with the cranks, he bought a new one and he uses it to this day. I will not take a pic of it because my brother takes that crank with him everywhere he goes. He's obsessed with it. Also it would be gross because there might be poo on it. Yuckii!

"Ow, fuck stupid crank fell outta mi ass! Auuugghh!"

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"Ow, fuck stupid crank fell outta mi ass! Auuugghh!"

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