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My generous behind sat on the soft green grass, my back against the tree trunk that had our names carved into it. My eyes wandered from the bush I was staring at, to the leaves of the tree I leaned against. I squinted as the bright light shone through. Autumn was getting close, the leaves had already began to fall. My eyes went back to the bush, waiting for it to rustle, a sign of his arrival. It, and the others like it, were short enough to not look so cumbersome, but tall enough to hide whatever was going on in their shadows. It was why we chose this place. Anthony and I.

Anthony was one of those guys at school. The guy who was smart, amazing at sports, came from a good, rich family and very easy on the eyes. Every girl at school had a crush on him, including myself. But I was never the kind to try and get his attention like the other girls did. I didn't have to though, because last year I got paired up with him for a class project. I got to have that one on one time every girl at school wanted. The ultimate teenage dream came true when I found out that he liked me too, and it didn't take long for us to start a relationship. We spent a lot of time together, most at this very spot. We were in love, that much I knew, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us.

My hands instantly went to my stomach, rubbing the bump that hasn't even shown itself yet. It brought us joy and fear all at the same time.

We were having a baby, something my mother was not here for, but supported us anyway. What his parents thought was a little bit more important, especially his current mayor, Governor wanna be father. He was a well loved man in the area, who had hopes of becoming the first black president. And if he never fulfill those goals, he was grooming Anthony to do so.

I was eager to hear what the man, and the rest of his family had to say, it was why we had to meet up today. He was planning on telling them this morning and would report to me what they had said.

But more than an hour had passed now, and the excitement of seeing him was beginning to fade. The sun was going to set soon and I needed an answer from him. I couldn't wait anymore, I had to go to his house.

I got up from the grass, dusted my behind off and made my way from our spot to the midst of the local park. It was still filled with people, hoping to get the most of their summer as it came to an end. I then made my way to his house, taking the route I knew he always took in the chance he would be on his way and see me.

My brisk walking got me there in 20 minutes, a new record. I would have to tell him about this, he always teased me on how slow I supposedly walked. I went up to the gate and greeted the guard.

"Hey Rick," I said "I'm here to see Anthony."

"Hey, how you been kid?" he asked as he entered the booth the open the gate....or at least that's what I thought he was doing.

"I'm good," I answered before I heard him talking on the phone

"Mr. Whitmore, Kendra is here."

That was strange, he usually lets me in without calling. There was a buzz before the gate opened. I walked in and down the stony driveway, making my way towards the front door. But before I got to it, it opened, and out walked Anthony. Another strange thing, he never came out to greet me. I smiled anyway, happy to see him. He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes. Something was wrong.

"You stood me up," I joked, hoping to change the mood.

He chuckled, rubbing the back off his neck. When we finally met in the middle of the driveway, he took my hand and began leading me around the house, towards the back.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"We need to talk," was all he said

We never made it to the back of the house. Instead we came to a stop at the side, among the flowers the gardener had planted. I turned to him. The fake smile was no longer there.

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