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It has been a week since I met with Min Yoongi by the lake in the snow. The days seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye. It's now just three days until Christmas, I don't have any plans or expectations for the holiday of course, I never do. I typically just stay in my room and read a book or look at photos of my brother and I.

I've spent the past few days sitting next to him while we both work on our hobbies in a peaceful silence. Every so often one of us will make a comment about the other's work or something we noticed. I paint and he plays the piano, while we work we are constantly complimenting each other's work. We often make jokes back and forth and tell silly stories to make each other laugh.

Most of the time he only cracks little half smiles and chuckles but every so often he would unknowingly let his guard down and he would let out a loud laugh that was incredibly pure and sweet. He would look into my eyes and smile a bright gummy smile as he laughed wholeheartedly. I couldn't help but smile and laugh back at his infectious joy. He makes me feel so alive, he makes me feel a joy that I've never had. And it kind of scares the hell out of me.

Yoongi isn't a very talkative person is what I've come to learn, I'm usually the one doing most of the talking and joking. He typically speaks very little about himself and his interests, but from what I've picked up on he enjoys writing and composing music, specifically rap. It took me by surprise a little to find out this information.

In an attempt to get him to open up to me I told him about my family sending me here, I didn't go into detail about why, but I told him that they demanded a certain kind of perfection that I couldn't give them. My words seemed to have struck him in a different kind of way because he hung his head and nodded and started to open up to me a little more.

He only briefly explained to me why he ended up at this institution; he told me that he is in a band, and his band mates noticed his music was getting a bit darker as well as his mood and state of mind. So they called a meeting with their management team and everyone decided that he needed to come here for a sort of intervention before things got bad. He doesn't seem to harbor any resentment about being sent here though, he never said any names or anything but he spoke very highly of his band mates, he seems to care about and respect them a lot.

The common room is decorated with a large Christmas tree that is covered in plastic ornaments, soft glowing white lights and tinsel garlands. There are dozens of colorfully wrapped presents under the tree. All sent in from the families of the patients here. Gift tags hang from the presents showing the name for whom it belongs too. Most patients have at least few boxes each and there are at least 10 different colored boxes with Min Yoongi's name written on them in bold letters. Not surprisingly there isn't a single box with my name on it. What do I expect from a family that doesn't even want to acknowledge me as their own?

The walls are covered in decorative green and white wreaths. Bright red mistletoe and little clear plastic stars hang from the ceiling like little constellations. A small radio in the corner is tuned to a crackle filled station that plays familiar Christmas tunes. Notes that remind me of some of the most painful times of my life, I try my best to tune out the sounds as I talk with my new found friend who is sitting at a table building a puzzle with me. His white hair is messy and hangs loosely in his face, he is wearing a light grey and white sweater with black sweatpants and a pair of white slippers.

"You don't particularly seem to be very into the holiday spirt y/n..." Suga says jokingly as his long fingers gently place a puzzle piece down on the table.

"It's not really my favorite time of the year anymore..." I admit as I snort and place another puzzle piece.

The man sits quietly for a few more seconds as we continue to work on the puzzle of Seoul's cityscape.

"You said anymore, can I ask why?" He finally says as he looks up at me, obviously expecting me to look up at him too.

Suddenly feelings and memories of how horribly wronged I've been every holiday season comes flooding into me. How my parents treated me like the dirt beneath their shoes, how they lied to the one person who ever truly made me happy, and how they completely abandon me every time I disappoint them. I bite my lower lip as tears prick the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over. My eyes flash up and meet Yoongi's inquisitive ones, the moment he sees my eyes his face softens and his shoulders droop slightly.

"I uh...I guess I just don't have many happy memories of the holidays" I say softly, looking back down at the puzzle placing yet another piece.

I keep my eyes down and quickly blink away tears as I stare at the nearly finished puzzle for several silent seconds. His intense gaze combined with all of the emotions I am feeling is starting make my hand shake slightly.

"Well, maybe I can help you make some happier holiday memories this year..." he says quietly as he gently places his hand on top of mine, steadying my shaky hand as we place the final puzzle piece.

My breath hitches in my throat as his warm hand comes into contact with my cold fingers. My eyes dart up to meet his and I can feel my cheeks heat up and flush red as he smiles kindly at me.

"Goodluck...its quite a lonely and tragic season for me...happiness seems so hard to come by for me..." I whisper as I drop my eyes yet again.

I can feel his large hand squeeze mine as he picks it up and sandwiches it between his two impossibly warm hands. My hand involuntarily tenses at the new sensation of his soft skin enveloping my own. My mind is reeling.

"y/n?" he says in a low and quiet tone.

I nervously squeak in response and look back up into his eyes. Warmth floods my entire body as I feel red hot passion race through my veins.

"Happiness doesn't have to be hard to come by, it's all about how and where you look for it...We will search for it together. Until we are so happy that we can't even imagine why we ever felt so broken, I promise." his serious voice washes over me like velvet causing me to relax into his grasp. I close my eyes and nod my head in agreement as his words caressing me in a powerful way.

Oh boy, what has this man done to me. He is making me feel things that I promised myself I would never feel again.

I take a deep shakey breath and open my eyes and look into his brown orbs, "Did you know that today is the winter solstice. Tonight will be the longest night of the year" I blurt out nervously.

He laughs heartily and lets go of my hand and sits back in his chair smiling at me.

"What a way to shut that shit down" he laughs throwing his head back.

I blush and immediately hold my hands up in defense, "No no, I don't mean it like that-I just got...nervous.." I say as I look away and rub my hands along my fabric covered thighs.

"I know, I'm just teasing you!" He says as he looks at me again with a silly smirk on his face.

"There's no need to be nervous though, there are no pressures or expectations with me. Perfection is fucking overrated. Just be unapologetically you, okay?" He says in a serious tone as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I nod my head and smile back at him, "You always know just what to say Min Yoongi. You drive me crazy one minute, and then you make me feel like your my best friend the next...you are the epitome of a paradox..." I look into his eyes with my head cocked to the side, studying him.

"You are an anomaly yourself miss y/n. You never cease to simultaneously amaze and confuse me." He says plainly.

"I'm pretty good at that, contradicting myself in the most lucrative of ways" I laugh.

"It always makes for a fun conversation and a good laugh though. It's one of the things I love about you..." He says the last part almost in a whisper, which makes me blush again.

"You sir, are an enigmatic conundrum to my static filled brain" I whisper back as bite my lower lip.

"I wouldn't have it any other way madam" he replies as he stands up and walks to his room.

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