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While Yoongi finishes eating his rice I try to distract myself from my ever drifting thoughts by packing our backpacks with plenty of snacks and water bottles for the trip.

Once I finish packing I tug my bag onto my back after zipping up my large winter coat. I pass Yoongi his jacket and boots and I sit down on the couch to lace up my own snow boots.

Yoongi quickly gets his gear on while I write a short apology/thank you note for the owners of the cabin. Yoongi insists on leaving his wrist watch as a sort of payment for using their home without their permission.

I fill a pot on the stove with cold water from the faucet and dump it over the fireplace, causing a loud hiss echo ouch as steam fills the room. Once the fire is officially out we make our way out of the building, hand in hand.

We walk briskly the woods, holding the map we picked up from the cabin. Trying our best to navigate  our way out of the dense forest.

There are no signs of the search crew my family sent, nor Yoongi's friends.

After walking for what seems like hours we finally come to a clearing in the forest. There is a wide open grass covered hill with rays of sunlight beaming down. At the bottom of the hill in the distance I can see the beautiful sight of streets and buildings that belong to a small town.

A sudden burst of excitement rushes through me at the first sight of civilization that I've seen in many hours. I am tired, sore and sick of seeing nothing but trees and dirt.

"Look! It's a town!" I point my finger across the field towards the bottom of the hill and start to jog across the field.

"I see, let's go check it out yeah? Don't run y/n, the ground is still wet from the snow. I don't want to to fall and-"

Perfectly on cue the universe decides to make me to hit a slick patch of mud. The wet ground causes me to slide forwards uncontrollably for several feet.

"Shit!" Yoongi shouts as he runs to catch up to me.

I squeak and flail my arms, helplessly trying to regain my balance. But my efforts are to no avail. I simply can't catch my footing... my left foot hits a sudden hole in the ground that causes my leg to come to an abrupt stop. My other foot and upper body continue forwards causing me to lurch to a stop as my stuck left ankle twists backwards with a loud cracking sound.

I cry out in pain as my left leg gives out from under me, forcing me to fall into a heap on the muddy ground.

"Princess!" Yoongi reaches me just as the palms of my hands slam onto the ground. He drops next to me and grabs in his arms and holds me to him while I hiss and clutch at my left ankle.

I have a few scratches on the palms of my hands from where I slammed onto the ground. They sting slightly but are nothing compared to the pain in my ankle.

"That crack didn't sound good at all...let me look at it y/n. Can you take your boot off?" He asks as he rubs my upper arm slowly.

I carefully loosen the laces on my boot and ever so gently take my foot out of the black leather. It hurts like hell as I pull it out. I can see over my thick wool socks that it is already starting to swell and from the pain in my ankle I know it will be bruised in a matter of minutes.

Slowly I pull my sock down to reveal an ankle that is clearly broken and very swollen.

"Fuck...princess that's defiantly broken. Good thing we made it to a town. Pull your sock back on and hop on my back. I'll carry you until we find somewhere for me to make a call." Yoongi says as he stuffs my boot in his bag and helps me to a standing position.

So Far Away- Min Yoongi x reader Where stories live. Discover now