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It's Christmas Eve and many of the patients families are at the institution visiting with them. The common room is bustling with people of all ages; food, music, presents and laughter fills the small space.

I am currently bundled up in several layers as I sit outside on my usual wooden bench as soft white snow falls all around me. The icy winter wind stings my already pink cheeks while sit and I reread one of my favorite poetry book in the late afternoon light. The well loved book is filled with doodles, my own poetry and little comments about all my favorite things and some of my deepest feelings. It's one of my most prized and important possessions, it's been with me through years of trauma and heartache.

"Ah, I thought I might find you out here..." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me, drawing my attention from my book. I stick the dried and pressed flower bookmark back into the book and shut it, lightly setting it next to me on the bench.

I scoot over a bit to make room for a smiling Suga as he approaches me with two steaming cups of tea in his hands. He plops down next to me and holds out one of the cups to me and nods his head towards it, signaling that its for me.

"Thank you! Why aren't you inside visiting with friends and family? By looking at all those gifts with your name on it I assumed you have many people who love you" I say politely before I sip from the warm cup between both of my cold hands.

"Ah, I guess that is true, I'm very lucky to have so many people who care about me. But all of my friends and family are tied up with very important obligations at the moment, so no one could make it out to see me. It's okay though, I totally understand it" He says with a half sad smile.

I nod my head gently at the man and continue to sip the deliciously hot beverage.

"What about you? Where is your family on this fine winters evening?" He says as he picks up the book that I had next to me and turns it over in his hands, examining its worn edges.

"Oh, them...they never come to visit. But it's okay, I'm totally used to it, it doesn't really bother me like it used too." I say plainly.

I can sense his sadness at my words, "I'm sorry to hear that. That's not something someone should ever have to get used too"

We sit for a while, casually talking about all kinds of things. The book I am reading, the recent songs he is writing, his friends back home...as we talk my usual melancholy Christmas mood turns into a cheery and laughter filled one. My heart feels warm, safe and fuzzy just being close to this exquisite man.

As the sun starts to set our conversation slowly and naturally starts to dwindle. Soon we are sitting in a comfortable silence, observing the gentle swell of the calm lake before us.

"y/n, hold out your hands and keep your eyes closed until I say so" Yoongi's says in a soothing voice suddenly breaking the silence as he turns to look at me.

Questioningly I look at him with my head tilted for a moment but I do as he asks. I let my eyes flutter shut and put my hands out side by side with my palms facing up.

I can hear him rustling about in his heavy winter coat for a few seconds before I feel something small and rectangular being placed in my hands. I let my hands close gently around the small box shaped item. It is lightweight and seems to be covered in some kind of paper.

"Okay, open them"

I open my eyes to find a box, wrapped in blue and white reflective paper with a shiny gold bow on top. My name is written on a small snowflake tag that hangs from the side of the box.

"Oh...Yoongi you shouldn't have gotten me anything..." I say as my eyes start to tear up.

"I know...but just open it!" He says excitedly as he watches me, eyes sparkling.

I carefully peel off the paper to reveal a black velvet box. Inside is a gorgeous necklace with an iridescent white stone in the center. The gem reflects the soft orange and pink glow of the sunset in the most amazing way. Soft hues of pastel and happiness shine on the smooth stones surface.

"It's called a Moonstone

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"It's called a Moonstone. It is supposed to promote inner healing, protection, and clarity... or something like that. It was just so beautiful, it made me think of you." He says, a light blush rising on his pale cheeks.

"Yoongi it's beautiful... I don't know how to thank you enough. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me" I say looking into his radiant eyes while the back of my throat burns from fighting back tears of joy.

"No need to thank me, I just want to see your beautiful smile"

Overwhelmed with emotion I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him for a moment, "Thank you...this is so special to me. I'll treasure it forever"

When I lean back he takes the necklace from the box and tells me to turn around so he can put it on me. His chilly fingers fumble at the back of my neck as he attempts to clasp the dainty necklace to my skin.

"Y/n, if ever your feeling sad or scared I want you to look down at that necklace. I want you to know that you always have me, no matter what, and no matter where. Even if the whole world seems to be against you, please know that I will always be here for you" He speaks in a gentle voice right next to my ear as he gently places the clasped necklace on my skin.

Chills run down my spine as his warm breath cascades down my neck. His large hands rest lightly on my shoulders for a moment but now are making their way to my waist as Yoongi pulls me from behind into a hug.

My heart is pounding in my chest at the close proximity of our bodies, I stare straight in front of me at the snow falling. My mind is running a million miles per hour and doesn't show any signs of slowing down as Yoongi rests his chin softly on my shoulder.

"Merry Christmas y/n. Let your happy ever after begin...now" He says the last part in whisper as his soft lips graze my earlobe. I can feel his smirk as my body tenses from the sudden sensual act.

"Goodnight, I'll be waiting for you in dreamland my little snow fairy" He says as he flicks snow off of my the arm of my jacket, chuckling lightly. He starts to stand up and walk away from the bench, I quickly turn to face him and grab his hand to stop him from standing up.

I can feel my cheeks burning both from the cold and from embarrassment, "Yoong wait, I-I have something for you too..." He sits back down and watches me as I pick up the tattered, leather bound book from beside me.

"I know it might not look like much but this book is incredibly important to me. It's like the clockwork of my very soul. Tread carefully and be warned, my soul is a maze that I often find myself getting lost in. I guess I just want you to know the kind of person you are getting involved with..." I say softly as I place the book delicately into his hand.

His eyes light up as he smiles at me, "I'll treasure every second of the journey it takes me on. And I will return it to you with an even stronger desire to know everything about you" his hand comes up to my cheek, thumb lightly caressing my jaw for a second before he stands up.

"Goodnight Yoongi, sleep tight. And Merry Christmas" I say as I watch his beautiful frame walk towards the building with the book tucked under his arm.

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