Behind You

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Looming figure,
Darkness spreads,
Don't get close to them,
Don't you understand?

Soulless eyes,
Sharpened teeth,
Saddened smile,
Tricking you is their goal.

Wrinkled skin,
Blackened heart,
Loveless soul,
Never turning back.

Two words escape,
Their dry and cracked lips,
As raspy voices echo,
"Behind you."

What to do,
Where to run,
Those are all senseless,
They never leave once they're there.

Kind soul,
Wanted to help,
A lonely friend,
Now is torn into shreds.

The darkened figure,
Stands behind them now,
As their kind soul,
Is just used and tattered.

Others don't see,
The midnight being,
Forming from each comment,
That spew from the monster's mouth.

It grows,
But never shrinks,
Though the monster's have left,
To ruin someone else.

It stays,
It brings back
The memories of rough times,
To make you understand.

It's never disappearing,
It will stand strong,
The Hurt will always emerge and say,
"Behind you."

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