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Ponyboy's POV

When Soda dropped me and Johnny off at school, we immediately had to part ways. We were in the same grade, but we somehow only had one class together.

I got to my first class, which was English. I heard some scoffs behind me, but I didn't think too much of it. They continued throughout the class, until the teacher threw them out for disrupting. When the bell finally rang, I basically flew out of the class, eager to get the rest of the day over with. I went to my locker, where I saw Johnny waiting for me.

"Hiya Pony!" He said happily. I got to admit, I wanted to kiss him on the spot. I knew I couldn't though, because of 'things'.

"Hey Johnny" I said, without being too flirty. "Wanna go out tonight? Maybe see a movie?" He viciously nodded. I heard the scoffs again. Oh God

"Hey Greasers, mind getting a room?" It was a Soc. Why couldn't they just leave us alone? He was big too... I booked it, Johnny close behind me. I ran towards the office, where there would hopefully be safety. How very wrong I was. The Socs caught up to us, and brought us to the bathroom. The really big one was pounding my ribs, and I thought he broke something. I could hear Johnny groaning in pain.

The Socs finally left us, after knocking poor Johnny out. I carried him bridal style to the office, where they called my brothers. Sodapop came to pick us up, and he brought us home. Johnny woke up on the way, and thank God he wasn't hurt too badly. Neither of us had to be treated, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt like hell...

"What the hell did the Socs want from you two?" Soda asked with concern in his voice. I looked at Johnny expectantly, and he gave a quick nod. I figured if one person would accept our relationship, it'd be Sodapop.

"Soda, how do you feel about... gays?" I asked cautiously. I'm not sure what his reaction would be.

"I support them. If people are in love what does it matter what kind of baby making parts they have? Wait, what does this have to do with my question?" I gave him a small smile, then nodded to Johnny.

"Soda, I am dating your younger brother.", Johnny said with confidence. Well, it kind of sounded confident.

"Huh, I didn't think y'all were gay... I'm okay with it, as long as you don't break my kid brothers heart." Soda said with a smile.

"Don't worry Soda, I'll take real good care of him." Johnny said, this time with real confidence. I smiled at Johnny, and leaned into his shoulder. Getting back to the thing we were in the car for: me and Johnny getting beat up. I told Soda the rest of the story.

"Damn, so you showed simple affection towards your boyfriend, and the Socs beat the tar outa ya." Soda said, with very evident anger in his voice.

"Pretty much." Johnny said with a sigh. Soda looked real mad when we pulled into the driveway. He shook it off before addressing me and Johnny.

"Y'all going to be okay alone for a few hours? I gotta get back to the DX, or Steve will beat my head in. Darry should be home around 5, plus Two-Bit'l come by."

"We'll be fine Soda." I said. Then something else came into mind: Soda was a blabber mouth. "Soda, you gotta promise not to tell anybody about Johnny and I, okay?" I was comfortable with Soda, and possibly Steve, because I'm pretty sure they have something, but the rest of the gang would take it differently.

"Of course I'll keep you guys' secret!" Soda said with a large grin. I was happy. Now we just have to see what the rest of the gang will think when we eventually tell them.

A/U: I'm actually really proud of this chapter! I feel like it turned out fluffy. Please let me know what you think!!! Also, I actually can't believe 5 people read the last chapter lol. ReViEw pLeAsE!!! I don't know what I want the rest of the gangs reactions to be. Stay gold x

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