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Pony's POV

As soon as Soda said those terrifying eight words, I shuddered. We gotta go spend the night with Darry.

I can't spend a whole night with him! Let alone a whole day tomorrow. What if the state finds out we aren't living there anymore? Will Darry get in trouble? Would I be glad if he did? What would happen to me and Soda, to me and Johnny?! 

"Ponyboy!" A voice shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. I think it was Two-Bit, but I wasn't sure.

"Christ kid, you looked like you were about to explode with the way you were breathing!" Steve said. Johnny gave him a look and he backed off.

"C'mon Pony, lets get some clothes and things to bring to Darry's." Soda said, with a sad smile on his face. We'd stopped calling Darry's house home, because as long as there wasn't love in that house, it would never be our home.

Soda and I went up to me and Johnny's room, which I had kept pretty tidy the past couple of weeks. I may be a dumb greaser, but at least i can keep a clean house. Actually, I like cleaning, it makes me feel useful, plus it gets my mind off of things. Mary has told me countless times that she doesn't need any help, but as usual, I don't listen.

Soda and I get all of our stuff ready and too soon, we're ready to spend the night at Darry's house. Two-Bit offered to drive us, so we got into his old junker and sped off.


Once we got to Darry's house, I could practically fell the tension rubbing against my skin. I didn't want to face Darry, especially now. Soda seemed to fell the exact same way.

We made our way through the gate and up the steps, and finally, to the front door. Sodas hand seemed to hesitate as it knocked on the door, as if we were about to enter a witches house. I guess I'm a way we were.

When Darry answered the door, he looked both of us up and down. I'm probably just imagining, but I thought I saw a slight change in his face. He almost looked... sorry. He looked sorry that we were wearing Two-Bits old stuff because he forced us to keep all our clothes here. He looks into my eyes and I flinch, remembering the way he looked at me before he hit me.

"Guys I-." He started, but couldn't finish because he started bawling his eyes out. Soda and I gave each other awkward glances. We'd never seen Darry break down like this. He always seemed so strong around us.

"I'm so sorry! For everything! I shouldn'ta kickedpp you out because of who you like! I know I don't deserve you, but I need you guys! We need each other!" Darry chocked out in between sobs. Soda and I both gave him a huge hug, knowing right away that we forgave him. Sure, he kicked us out and called us mean names, but in the end he was still our brother, and we're all we have left.

We all eventually calmed down.

"Alright, we better go inside and wait for that state lady to show up." Darry said, still crying tears of joy.


I think that's officially the end of this book! I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you had a good time reading! Sorry to leave you with a bit of a dead end, but you can use your imagination. Stay Gold x


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