Love is love

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  Ponyboy's POV
I was walking to my house, but I knew something was wrong. I didn't know what was the matter though. I got to my house and when I walked inside, I saw something horrible. Johnny was laying lifeless on the floor and Darry was laughing like an insane man. He turned to me.

"That'll teach him. He can't go around making my younger brother a fag."  I tried to run but my feet were sinking into the floor. I was so scared. Darry came to me with a calm look on his face. He pulled me up and brought me back outside to our old ford.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"To a camp that's gonna fix you." Darry replied with a laugh.

"They can't fix me!" I yelled.

"Well then I guess I have to." Darry said simply. Then he swerved off the road and it all went black.


I shot up in bed, screaming. Johnny seemed to know what was going on, so he just whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

Once I realized I wasn't dead, I could actually speak.

"What was it about baby?" Johnny asked with concern. I told him about the nightmare I just had. By then I was crying.

"It was just a dream Pone. Do
You want me to go get Soda?" Johnny asked. I did want Soda, but I wanted Johnny more. I shook my head and laid back down, my head on Johnny's chest. Soon I could hear Johnny's soft and relaxed breathing, and I fell back asleep  to it.


When I woke up again, it was morning. I glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was nearly 7. I got up and dressed before I decided to wake Johnny. I knew better than to wake him up by force, so I just whispered into his ear and kissed him lightly on the lips. That got him up.

"Mornin' Pony." Johnny mumbled, still half asleep.

"You want to go find some breakfast Johnnycakes?" I asked him. He nodded him head, and got up to get dressed. We were wearing some of Two-Bits old clothes since none of us could exactly  pack a bag.

We went down to breakfast and Mrs. Matthews sent us off to school.

-Time Skip to when they get off of school because I'm lazy lol-

As we walked out of the school building, we headed to our favorite Café. Me and Johnny talked about ideas to get Darry to accept us.

After throwing around some kind crazy ideas (some that included knives) we decided to just get the whole gang to just talk to him. Maybe if we get all 7 of the guys to try to explain how fucking crazy it is to throw out your family, we could get through to him.


After we told the rest of the gang our plan, we decided to do it tonight. Dally took the news... well... let's just say some colorful words were shared when he was told Darry threw us out.

After we got Dally to calm down, Johnny and I went back to our room. Now all we had to do was wait for tonight...


Somehow, Johnny and I ended up falling asleep cuddled up to each other. Finally, at around 7, Two-Bit came to get us.

"I'm sorry to wake y'all, but we gotta go talk to Darry." Two-But said with a small grin. Johnny groaned in response. He hasn't gotten much sleep over these past couple of days. Poor baby.

"C'mon Johnny, maybe we can sleep in our own bed tonight." I said, kind of hopefully. I really hope the talk with Darry goes okay. I want my own bed back.


Once we walk up to my house, I start to get nervous. So nervous that I start to shake. Johnny notices me having a mild panic attack, so he hugs me and tells me everything will be alright. Then I'm fine. Man, this boy is my soulmate.

We walk into the front door, me and Johnny behind Steve and Soda, who are behind Dally and Two-Bit. Darry looks up from the newspaper he's reading, and when he only sees Dally and Two he smiles. His smile quickly fades though, when he notices the rest of us.

"What're you fags doing in my house?" Darry asks, anger evident in his voice. That's when Dally lost it. He walks towards Darry, not saying a word. Suddenly, he punches Darry square in the face. He then turns to us, and motions for us to follow him out the door. We do as we're told, and leave the house, Darry still in shock about what just happened.

"W-where are w-we goin' Dal?" Johnny asks nervously.

"I don't know kid, but it sure as hell isn't going to involve Soda and Pony's pathetic excuse of a brother." Dally replies, his voice bitter.

"Dally, he's still our legal guardian, we can't just leave." Soda says, all the playfulness out of his voice.

"Screw that! If it comes to it, we'll get y'all emancipated. You got a job Soda, you can take care of Pony." Dally says. Wow, I didn't know Dallas Winston, who had a police record a mile long, knew anything about the legal system.

"In the meantime my mom doesn't care if you crash at our place. Hell, she likes you more than me!" Two-Bit says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thanks guys. Damn where would we be without you?" I say, feeling very grateful for my makeshift family.

"Probably dead in a ditch somewhere." Dally says playfully. At that, we all laugh, and go back to the Matthews place. For now, at least, everything was peaceful. I was happy for once.

A/N: ummm, so this story almost has 100 reads!?!?!? Omg, thank you guys so much for coming back every chapter, it means so much to me. Stay gold x


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