You What?!

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  Ponyboy's POV
I couldn't believe it. Steve and Soda were making out on the couch, and by the looks of it, things were getting pretty heated. I mean, they both had their shirts off.

    I motioned for Johnny to come into the my room with me. He got the message and followed me into me and Sodas bedroom.

   "Wow, I knew something ways goin' on between those two, but Jesus Christ I was not prepared for... that" I said, halfway laughing, halfway shivering. I mean, I just saw my brother about to have sex with another man!

"Do you think they told Darry?" Johnny asks quietly.

"I dunno." I said simply. My question was answered pretty quickly though.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?!?!??!!?" Darry's voice shouts from the living room. Guess he woke up.

  I heard Soda try to explain, and from the tone of his voice, he sounded terrified. I decided to sneak out to see what was happening. I motioned for Johnny to follow me. We stood in the living room doorway. Soda and Steve both had clothes on, so they didn't actually get that far.

   "I won't have any fags in my house! So either Soda, you can get out of this phase, and find a nice girl, or you can stay a filthy queer and leave this house!!" Darry yelled. Soda looked like he was scared out of his wits, and Steve looked ready to puke. I got so angry, Soda had always been Darry's favorite brother, and to see him act like this was making me sick. Obviously Steve and Soda weren't gonna stand up for themselves, so I thought of a plan.

Once I whispered my plan to Johnny, he nodded in agreement. We silently walked between Darry and Sodapop. Steve was in the corner shivering like a damn leaf.

"What the hell are you two doing down here?!" Darry yelled at us. I slowly turned to Johnny, still not saying a word.

"Ponyboy, I asked you a question, so either answer me or go back to your room so I can finish my conversation with Soda here." Darry said, clearly annoyed. I leaned into Johnny and he did the same. Our lips touched for a few seconds, before I felt a strong arm shove me backwards, into a wall.

Darry promptly smacked me in the face, and started yelling every gay slur I've ever heard of and more. I was too dazed from the hit to see Soda and Darry having a full in fist fight. I guess Soda snapped out of his daze. Then, I fell into a peaceful darkness.

-Time Skip-

I woke up in a strange bed. It wasn't a hospital bed, but it definitely wasn't mine. I saw Johnny sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

"Hey, Johnnycakes" I said weakly. My head hurt like hell. He perked up immediately, then gave me a pain killer. Then he started to tell me what was happening.

"We're at the Matthew's house. We came here after you got knocked out. We told Two-Bit and his mom everything that was happening, and she let us stay here until everting at home cooled down." Johnny informed me. Well, I guess at least one member accepts people like me, Johnny, Soda, and Steve. I loved Mrs. Matthews, she was like my second mom after my real mom died.

"Man, I can't believe Darry acted like that. I mean, I get that he acted like that with Soda and Steve, because they were about to do... it on his couch, but with me and you? It isn't right Pones, he's supposed to love us, we're all like brothers in the gang." Johnny said, starting to cry. I sat up and hugged him  I was starting to cry myself.

We sat like that for a little while, just crying into each others arms. When we both calmed down, we got into bed. Even if I was just kicked out of my house by my own brother, I still had school in the morning, and I wanted to at least make Sodapop proud of me.

"Ponyboy?" Johnny whispered

"Yeah, Johnnycakes?" I whispered back.

"I-I get if you w-wanna tell Darry that I threatened you or s-somethin' if you didn't date me." Johnny said, starting to cry again. I can't believe it, Johnny was so sweet, he was willing to break up with me just to make me happy. As much as I appreciated the offer, I could never leave Johnny Cade. He was my everything.

"Johnny, do actually think I would do that?" I said.

"Look, I know how much your brother means to you." He said softly. I rolled over and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

"I don't know, maybe you should try again so I can translate better!" He said, laughing quietly. I kissed him again, very softly. That's when I knew: I would be with Johnny Cade the rest of my life. Right now though, I gotta find a way to get Darry to accept me. As much as I loved the Matthews' I knew we couldn't stay there forever.

Eh, I'll figure our a plan tomorrow, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

A/N: ooooh look at me, updating twice in one week. I think this chapter is decent. That you so much for 50 reads! I honestly thought I would get like 2 or 3. Thank you so much for reading my crappy writing. I promise, I'll get better in the future. Stay Gold x

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