Hiccup x Reader

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I just love Imagines, so I decided to make one for all those who love Hiccup-- even when he was young and had freckles. Although this one is based on HTTYD2, so he'll be older. No spoilers I swear, and no real storyline-- just a simple Hiccup x Reader oneshot ♥


(Y/N) = Your name

(H/C) = Hair colour

(D/T) = Dragon type

(D/N) = Dragon name

(E/C) = Eye colour


"Whoo-hoo!" You yell in excitement as you ride you (D/T) throughout the skies that surrounded Berk.

You always enjoyed your precious moments that you got to spend flying through the skies with (D/N). It was the moments you felt most free.

Not that many people knew you as the outgoing kind of girl, considering you were always polite and quiet around everyone. The only people who knew were Astrid, the twins, and...


You two have been friends for the longest of times and every moment you spend with him you feel ontop of the world. No one else makes you feel the way Hiccup does.

Astrid, being your best friend, knew all about the crush you had developed for Hiccup throughout the years. She never told anyone and always tried her best to help you with confronting him about your true feelings.

But you could never tell him.

To be honest you were almost never shy, but bring up a serious conversation with Hiccup and you would melt away. You can't handle being serious-- you still want to be a kid.

That is a hard task to achieve, though, as you're now 21 and have to start thinking about a family. You didn't feel ready.

The thought of this dimmed your moment of happiness riding the sky, so you told (D/N) to land back at home.

When you landed successfully you began to pat (D/N) and tell (her/him) how greatful you are that you have (her/him) around.

"Is that my (Y/N) being sentimental?" a familiar male voice sounded.

You smiled and turned to look at Hiccup with a raised eyebrow.

"Your (Y/N)?" You spoke.

"Well, I own you, don't I?"

Technically he did own you as you were living with him for the time being. Your house was burnt when some idiot Vikings attacked the village, but they soon regretted it when the dragons came out to play.

"Nobody owns me." You smirked at him.

"Is that so?" He smirked back at you.

This was common for the two of you-- to play cat and mouse. Sometimes he had the upper hand and then suddenly the tables were turned and you were in control.

(Shh, I know what you're thinking-- naughty!)

It's been this way ever since you two met and you liked it. Staying as friends this was simply a game, but if you two became more... then it would be real life.

You just nodded at him and went back to patting (D/N). What Hiccup did next was a surprise to you.

He stretched his arm out and started patting your hair. He twiddled with some of your (H/C) strands and then he would let it drop, continuing on with another strand.

Your whole body froze and you had a tingly feeling run through your body. How come he always had this effect on you? Damn, him!

Finally some muscles began to function again and you turned your head to look at him. He was starring deeply into your (E/C) eyes, not even stopping himself from playing with your hair.

"Hiccup..." was all that you could manage to say before your lips were met by his soft ones.

The kiss shocked you at first but then you relaxed and closed your eyes-- easing into the kiss and responding back with as much affection as he was giving you.

His free hand placed gently on your waist and you moved your hands to his chest where you could feel his heart beating in almost sync with yours.

When you two finally seperated he looked into your (E/C) eyes with his forehead rested on yours.

"You are mine," he whispered. "and no one is going to take you from me."


Soooo, how was it? Bad? Good? I can't tell! This is my first oneshot that I've posted on Wattpad so be nice! I hope you enjoyed it-- more will be releasing shortly.

Farewell! ♥ xo

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