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Minato looked at his baby boy. He was beautiful, and he watched as the child calmed in his mothers embrace. Kushina had a big smile on her face, as she watched those blue stunning eyes scan from her face to Minato's. Kushina couldn't get out perfect her child was, and Neither could Minato.

~Twelve Year Time Skip~

Red hair swayed when the wind blew, and the child sat in the park, book in hand while the children screamed around him. He looked up and saw that they had such a smile on their faces. He's even seems his cousin Karin. She's smiling, playing with a boy who looked like he didn't want to be there at all.

He then heard somebody just fall against the tree he was sitting at and he looked over and saw features that were dark but not at the same time. The boy had his eyes closed so he couldn't see his eyes but by the spiky raven hair and the clan symbol on the child's shirt the red head boy knew that this was the Nara heir.

The red head boy had heard stories of the Nara clan, his father assured him that they were smart, and that they clashed a view times on opposing views, however he also heard his mother say that the clans should drop their rivalry and come together and form an alliance, much like the Uchiha and Hyuga clan did.

He wondered how this boy thought on the situation, he wouldn't know however the boy was sound sleep, or so the boy thought.

Raven eyes opened and they looked pleasantly bored, he hated to be around such rowdy kids but it didn't help that he had a red haired Uzumaki staring at him, but one look in those eyes did he realize that he wasn't looking at just an Uzumaki, but a Namikaze too.

Then he looked at the clan symbol and noticed the intricate design of a Uzukaze, one that fit the name so perfectly. The was the red hair was straight and sat against the boys neck, and those blue eyes twinkled with emotion he wished he could show.

"Not a fan of running I assume." The red hair spoke to the boy, his eyes drifting back to the book he was reading.

The raven haired boy looked at the book the red head was reading, it was a book on Medical Ninjutsu. The raven haired boy nodded and sighed.

"It's too much of a hassle, I rather watch the clouds drift by." The red haired boy smiled.

"I assumed, but I didn't want to say anything. A lot of people assume what I'm like, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt." The raven haired boy hummed

"I heard a lot about you, I heard that you're a true Uzukaze." The red haired boy closed the book, and looked at the sky, loving the way the sun shined on them.

"They say that, simple because I'm a perfect mix of such dominant clans. They don't know who I will be until I'm put to the test." The raven haired boy only closed his eyes, he opened them and saw the red haired boy lay down next to him, and look up at the sky.

Silence pass by the duo. The weather turned a little colder signaling that it was almost time to go home. Naruto sat up and looked at his aunt, he turned to the Nara and smiled a little.

"I have to leave, thank you for the calmness." The boy spoke and the Nara child stood up.

"Shikamaru Nara." The raven haired said and the Uzukaze child smiled.

"Naruto Uzukaze, nice meeting you. Let's do this again." Naruto said and Shikamaru was about to talk but there was name calling.



Both children turned around and saw their fathers. Naruto smiled seeing his father actually picking him up from the park, his dad was always in the tower busy. Shikamaru gave a lazy wave and that's when Shikaku seen who his son was talking too.

"Minato." Shikaku said with so much hate, that Shikamaru wondered if there was something wrong.

"Shikaku." Minato replied but it wasn't as rude seeings as he knew the children would be able to pick up the tone.

"Shikamaru time to leave, your mother cooked." Shikamaru looked at the face of his father, his father looked upset, and he didn't know why, he's never seen his father give anybody the time of day to be mad.

"Bye Naruto." Naruto turned from his father to give Shikamaru and his father the nicest and sweetest smile he could muster.

That was better than an Uzumaki smile, better than a Namikaze smile, it was as if an angel smiled down from the heavens at the two Nara males. Shikaku was even stunned, but Shikamaru felt something.

"Bye Shikamaru, have a nice night Nara-San." Naruto said respectfully to both Nara's. Minato looked at his son before he just held out his hand, one Naruto took and started talking about his time with Shikamaru.

"How was your day at the park?" Shikaku asked, then Shikamaru hummed.

"I hate the park, only good thing was Naruto." Shikaku hummed at that.

"Tell me about that child." Shikamaru looked at the door, of his home watching how his father sat on the porch, leading up to the door. He sat next to his as he thought about his interaction with Naruto.

"He's smart, but sweet. He knew I was a Nara but didn't assume I cloud watched or nap seeing as people assume that he's either full Uzumaki or full Namikaze. I like him." Shikaku frowned and then they heard the door open.

"Get your asses in this home and eat the dinner I slaved over." Shikamaru sighed when he heard his troublesome mothers voice and his dad only held a smile.

"Yes dear." Shikaku said and Shikamaru stood up and walked passed his hugging parents to sit at the table so he could go to bed quicker.

At the Uzukaze clan, Naruto sat at the table with his mother and father. His mother telling his father her day with the other clan women, and then she looked to Naruto.

To Naruto his mother was more brash than smart, but she could hold her own against his father and even come up with some good idea's like creating an alliance with the one clan that was so similars to theirs.

It made sense to Naruto but was lost on his father.

"How was your day honey? Did you make friends?" Kushina asked worried, Naruto was often found reading a book and not playing with other kids.

"I made a friend, well as friendly as you can get to a Nara." Kushina smiled and Minato frowned.

"Tell us about it honey." Naruto shrugged.

"We talked a little about what he liked, and his clan and mines before we cloud watched." Minato opened his mouth.

"You both cloud watched?" Naruto nodded.

"He's nice, I'm sure I'll see him at the academy tomorrow." Kushina smiled.

"Let's hope you all become friends and maybe make an alliance your father is too stupid to make." Kushina said and Minato only rolled his eyes and ate contently.

You already know! 😉



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