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Naruto didn't say a word to his mother or Shikaku the next morning. He knew what they were hinting at and that made him a little upset, simply because he didn't know if Shikamaru liked him the way he did.

Naruto isn't stupid, he knew of his feeling the minute he turned fourteen. He liked the way Shikamaru's voice developed, and how deep it had gotten, the way he smirked at you, and the one time Shikamaru winked at him made him want to jump the boy then and there.

He however didn't want to mess up their friendship, and as they're sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring, he could feel Shikamaru running a hand over his knee as a reassurance thing, and that made him smile. He placed his hand over Shikamaru's and gave it a squeeze.

The bell rung and the trio headed to training. Everyday they trained from the hours of 2pm-6pm. Then they headed to whoever home they were sleeping at for the night.

The parents didn't mind the set up, and Fugaku secretly thanked the Nara and Uzukaze clan for helping Sasuke thrive and perfect with their children, and was glad he had a Sensei too.

However they were training separately much like always but Naruto wasn't on his game. He was distracted and Kurama knew he was, so Kurama stopped talking and watched Naruto. The boy didn't even notice until he saw Kurama sit down on the grass.

The wind was blowing through his hair as if trying to calm him down he just sat down and laid his head in Kurama's lap. He was vulnerable, open and raw and didn't know how to express or feel what he wanted to do.

"You ready to admit you like him?" Naruto scoffed and looked at Kurama.

"I like him, love him even." Naruto started.

"I just don't like being put on the spot about my feelings for him. I don't like being rushed to admit my feelings ya know?" Naruto said and Kurama nodded, he leaned back and looked at the sky, a small smile on his face.

"I met Matsu when we were twelve." Kurama started and Naruto looked at his Sensei.

"It was the first day of the academy, and the girls loved him, yet he would always find an excuse to sit alone."

"I admired him for a far, I knew the minute I laid eyes on him that I wanted to have his children, but he didn't want anything to do with me, at least I thought he didn't."

"Then I met Kossori, clanless and an orphan. He was being picked on by two snotty girls and I stepped up to him, and offered him a place to live. We became friends, he was arrogant, and always questioned how I did things, and made fun of my crush on Matsu but he was and is my best friend." Kurama chuckled.

"Matsu is a stubborn idiot, and waited three years before he made his move. I was walking home with Kossori when he just kissed me, in the middle of the village, declaring to everybody that he was going to marry me and that I belong to him." Naruto chuckled and Kurama rolled his eyes.

"He's a possessive idiot who didn't even marry me or place a child in me and I'm 26." Kurama scoffed and Naruto smiled.

"Thank you Sensei." Naruto whispered and Kurama smiled.

"You Tell Shikamaru whenever you are ready. Don't let anybody rush you, no mother no father." Naruto jumped in the arms of Kurama knocking him back.

"You are the best Sensei ever." Naruto mumbles and Kurama puffed his cheeks.

"Get off me Naruto." Naruto only chuckled and continued to hold on Kurama only scoffed and allowed him to stay there.

Naruto rolled off Kurama and looked at the clouds, it reminded him of Shikamaru, the clouds lazing their way through the sky. Same as Shikamaru when not training, he wondered why Kami designee such a fate, for Naruto to love the Nara.

"You all aren't even training." Naruto heard Matsu's voice and knew Shikamaru wasn't far behind and that made him feel all jittery.

"Me and Naruto needed to have a heart to heart, where's Kossori?"

"He's fucking sleeping." Sasuke said dragging his Sensei to the clearing, the bigger male snoring away, just leaving him and laying next to Naruto. He heard a scoff and then somebody pushing him then somebody laying next to him.

There was chuckles and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Sasuke asked Shikamaru, he didn't say anything but snuggled into Naruto, Naruto looked down at him and ran a hand through the boys hair.

"Matsu what's wrong with Shikamaru." Naruto asked and Matsu hummed.

"We had a heart to heart." Kurama scoffed and Naruto just let Shikamaru snuggle into his neck, while he watched the clouds, completely content that Shikamaru was laying in his arms.

The day drifted and Naruto let Shikamaru sleep, Kossori and the others left and Sasuke was still there laying on the other side of Naruto.

"You love him." Sasuke said softly and Naruto hummed.

" A lot, is it noticeable?" Sasuke chuckled.

"Extremely, however Shikamaru's attraction is clear as day. He pushed me aside so he could be by you. He does love you." Naruto looked up.

"Aren't you cooking tonight?" Sasuke asked and Naruto nodded.

"It's fine, I have some clones cooking now, it's almost finished though. We should head to my home." Sasuke nodded and Naruto woke Shikamaru up. The boy was sleepy and was barely hanging on.

"I cooked your favorite." Naruto whispered and that woke Shikamaru up. Sasuke scoffed and looked at Naruto.

"I might've invited somebody else." Naruto and Shikamaru stopped and looked at Sasuke and seen a blush on his cheek.

"Who?" Shikamaru asked and there was a voice heard.

"Sasuke-Kun." There was a soft voice heard and Shikamaru and Naruto looked to the voice, they realized it was a classmate.

She belonged to the Yomura clan, a clan that specialized in lightning Jutsu's. She wore glasses that covered her bright Hazel eyes, She had black hair closer to onyx than raven, and she was developed for her age. She had c-cup breast and a defined body.

"Mia-Chan, your parents let you come?" She smiled and tied her brown hair in a bun.

"Yes, I hope Naru-Chan and Shika-Kun doesn't mind." Naruto and Shikamaru held a shit eating grin

"We absolutely don't mind, how did Sasuke rope you in into being his girlfriend?" Mia blushes and Sasuke pouted.

"I actually asked him, I've liked him since the first day." Shikamaru smiled.

"I hope you're ready to be interrogated by our families." Shikamaru said as they continued their way to the Uzukaze home.

"I'm not, but Sasuke is with me." Sasuke held his hand out to Mia and she smiled. Naruto was happy for Sasuke, Sasuke needed this, Fugaku was asking for a wife and Sasuke is dating somebody.

It was cute, they way she smiled around him. The way Sasuke's voice fell softer, they look like they belong together, and when he entered the front door, Naruto and Shikamaru sent a look to one another before yelling.

"SASUKE BROUGHT A GIRL HOME." Naruto and Shikamaru yelled in unison and Mia froze and Sasuke looked at his best friends and Naruto gave his famous Uzumaki smile and Shikamaru smirk.






"Leave my brother alone."

"Can you all stop screaming in my home?"

Sasuke only said one sentence before he went to fight off the mothers from his future wife.

"I hate you both." Naruto leaned into Shikamaru and smiled at Sasuke.

"We love you too honey." Naruto said and Shikamaru chuckled, before they seen Sasuke and Mia head into the wolf's den.


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