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Two weeks later, they all gathered in the Hokage's office. They all knew what was going to happened, and everybody was ready for it to actually happened. The teens were curios and wanted to know the full story of why this was even happening.

That's why Sasuke has been invited too.

"Sasuke you should head home." Minato said and Sasuke shook his head.

"I'm here for moral support." Sasuke said sitting on the same couch as Shikamaru and Naruto.

It was the end of the month trial, and both families sat in the Hokage's office, Shikamaru and Naruto already knew how this was going to go. The question was, how were they going to live now? Are Shikamaru and Naruto brothers now? Are the clans going to merge?

No offense but Shikamaru really didn't want to be Naruto's brother, despite him being picked on by Matsu, Sasuke, Kossori and Kurama it was true. He liked Naruto, and could see himself marrying that sweet, gentle yet fiery spirit of a male. Having kids with Naruto, waking up everyday to Naruto in bed with him.

He could see them together, actually he wanted them to be together.

"Sasuke I really don't think it's a good idea." Shikaku said and Naruto sat up.

"He's staying, You all kept us out of the loop for a long time. Never telling us until you all were forced too, with an outsider, he would be able to see if you are lying." Naruto said and Minato exhaled.

"Okay, I'll start from the beginning."  Minato said and the children nodded.

"The Nara clan and Namikaze clan had always been rivals, simply because of their smarts. Both clans were considered to be geniuses, which was true. However they way we thought wasn't always so similar." Minato started.

"And That's were the problems started." Shikaku chimed and everybody seemed to understand.

"We thought so similar and then sometimes we didn't at all, the fighting started and then the clans merely wanted to prove who was smarter, who was better, but then me and Minato were born." The children nods again and Minato exhaled.

"We met at a park, I was reading a book and Shikaku came and sat next to me, unintentionally and groaned about the children being too loud. I laughed and we started talking." Minato held a smile and Shikaku a smirk.

"We were forbidden from seeing one another but It didn't stop us from becoming best friends and sneaking out with one another, training and just being with one another." Naruto looked to Shikamaru, it was exactly their story. Well almost maybe.

"Then I saw this woman who took my breathe away. She was nothing like me, she embodies light and laughter and trouble, however I was drawn to that fiery red hair, and bewitching blue eyes." Shikaku started and Minato held a smile.

"It was crazy really, as Shikaku stood there dumbfounded, the woman directly next to her caught my eye. Quiet but stern, dark flowing hair and raven eyes, she held soft smiles and a soft voice. She was beautiful." Sasuke looked at the room and nodded when he realized what was happening.

"We all became close, but it wouldn't last. The day we were going to confess the third Hokage called us to the tower." Shikaku said and Naruto frowned.

"Apparently, the Shinobi numbers were falling, and they needed prodigy children, children that would be smart and or strong." Shikamaru nodded.

"He along with the council picked the brides of every Shinobi head of the village. Minato ended up with Kushina, her clan having been destroyed and they all moving here they wanted to combine the clans." Sasuke cut in.

"Isn't that taboo?" They all nodded and Minato cut in.

"However they both knew that the Uzumaki clan line was thriving, and the Namikaze clan was dying. They decided to combine the clans and make a new one, one that was steady thriving."

"With Minato's cousins still alive they started the new line of Uzukaze, but I was upset." Shikaku said and Kushina wanted to console him, but she couldn't.

"Shikaku was pleading to the Kage, he loved Kushina and wanted nothing more than to be with her, but was assigned to marry Yoshino, and that hurt me." Minato said and Naruto frowned.

"Why didn't you fight for her then?" Naruto said and Minato exhaled.

"I wanted Yoshino, but I knew Shikaku would treat her well, and I made sure that I treat Kushina well. I had faith that even if we couldn't marry the ones we wanted, that we could at least care for them, and be friends." Shikaku shook his head.

"I was angry I couldn't think and the price was my best friend and the woman I loved. I stormed out the office and never spoken a word to Minato again, that was until sixteen years later, I go and pick my son up from the park and see him talking to the Uzukaze heir." Shikamaru and Naruto looked at one another before looking back.

"You both looked so happy to finally have a friend, and still blinded by hatred I almost took that from you." Shikaku said and the women piped up.

"We wouldn't let the breathe until we talked it out and came up with solution, but let me tell you both this." Kushina and Yoshino walked over to the children they birthed.

"We still love you. I may be going to live with Shikaku and becoming a Nara, you are still my son and I love you in every way." Naruto looked at his mother as a tear rolled down his face and she smiled.

"You are still loved Ya know?" Naruto nodded and threw his arms around his mother.

"Mom I love you, you deserve happiness. You and father." Naruto whispered and Kushina chuckled.

"The only difference is that I have three sons to worry about instead of one." Kushina tapped Shikamaru and Sasuke on their foreheads." Yoshino chuckled.

"Technically Yes, you both are related, but you can look at that anyway you both want too." Yoshino said and Shikamaru exhaled.

"Are you happy mother?" Shikamaru asked and Yoshino shrugged.

"I'm alright Shikamaru." The men stood behind the woman they loved with a fond smile, Naruto walked up to Shikaku poking him in the nose.

"Can you teach me Shogi? Shikamaru said he doesn't want too." Naruto asked and Shikaku nodded.

"Of course I will." Naruto smiled and exhaled.

"Do you both want to stay at home or move with your mothers?" Sasuke asked the duo, Naruto walked back over as him and Shikamaru had a conversation. A private one with the adults and Sasuke nodded his head as if he was listening.

"Stay at home, we will visit." Shikamaru said and the parents nodded.

"Do you forgive us?" Naruto and Shikamaru nodded.

"We do, you all are forgiven." Naruto answered and the saw the sun setting, Sasuke sighed.

"It's time for dinner, you both are coming right?" Naruto nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it, Mikoto almost beat us because we didn't come last time." Shikamaru said and Kushina piped up.

"Are you all coming home tonight?" They all shook their heads leaving the office and the parents all smiled.

"That went way better than expected." Shikaku said and Kushina smiled.

"I can't wait for my baby and Shikamaru to get married." Minato scoffed.

"They won't get married." Kushina and Yoshino smiled.

"We know our children." Kushina said and Yoshino hummed.

"Wedding bells are playing in the distance." Kushina said as they looked out the window to see Shikamaru with his arm around Naruto's shoulders, and Naruto smiled so brightly as Sasuke looked to be picking on them.

Those children will be together, the mothers knew, the fathers had a guess but Kami will make it so, for The Uzukaze and the Nara faiths have always be intertwined.


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