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"Wake up, its time for the academy." Kushina woke up her child, and Naruto groaned. He wasn't a morning person in the slightest, he took after his mother in that regard. She only chuckled and ran a hand through that red hair, singing a song.

Naruto smiled and yawned and opened his eyes, his mom smiling a little.

"Get dressed honey, your father is walking you over too." Naruto nodded and kissed him mom on the cheek, and headed to the shower. Once out the shower he put on some black pants and red Uzukaze shirt, and he tied his hair up in a bun.

It was a small one because his hair was only to his shoulders but its tradition for a Uzukaze not to cut their hair, male or female.he headed downstairs and ate a meal, his father smiled at him and told him to try his best at school.

"I should be fine, there shouldn't be anything that I can't figure out. Mom, can I send Bachan a letter on questions about medicine?" Naruto asked and Kushina smiled.

"Of course, don't forget to ask if you can intern at the hospital." Naruto nodded, and put the plates in the sink and started walking with his family.

Well really he was listening to his mother and father bicker.

"Mina, he wants to learn Medical Ninjutsu."

"Well of course he does, but I'm telling him not to forget about Fuinjutsu."

"He's not, he wants to master something before he learns anything else."

"Oh Naruto and the Rasengan too." Minato said ignoring his wife.

"Mina are you even listening?" Naruto sighed, at that point they have reached the academy, clan heirs and parents were outside talking to their kids and the last thing Naruto wanted to do was have his mom explode in front of his classmates.

"Mother, I'm sure father was listening he just got sidetracked, and father I will learn sealing soon, I'm almost done with Medical Ninjutsu, and I will learn the Rasengan, I am monitoring my training I have a plan, please stop fighting over my future." Naruto said exasperated and for what he thinks of the millionth time since he turned nine. 

"We just want you to be happy and strong baby." Naruto smiled at his mother, god she was amazing but an airhead at times.

"I'm only twelve, I will get there. See you at home." Naruto said walking off to the academy, Kushina crying little tears and Minato holding her.

Shikamaru watched Naruto walk in alone and turned to cut his mother off of her lecture on not being a lazy Nara, even though he was a lazy Nara.

"I see you both at home. Ja'." Shikamaru walked inside and ignored his mothers yell of 'Shikamaru come here' and walked inside.

Yoshino stood outside arms folded and exhaled, she looked to the man she was forced to marry then at the school.

"It's time for a change, what's stopping you from letting the children be friends." Shikaku looked at the sky and turned to leaf.

"We shouldn't associate with the clan." Yoshino folded her arms.

"Well why not?" She asked, she wondered because at one point in time, Minato and Shikaku were close, and many thought they were going to break the hatred among the clans and then right when Kushina came into the picture is when Shikaku pulled all ties with said clan.

"We just shouldn't, I don't want Shikamaru to get hurt." Shikaku said leaving and heading to work.

That always happens, whenever Yoshino tried to interrogate the relationship between Minato and Shikaku. She always spoke to a brick wall at that point and she couldn't figure out why he was so upset with the man.

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