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Team seven walked through the west forest towards the cabin. It would take no longer than a day to reach the cabin, and Kakashi had Shikamaru draft a plan. Shikamaru's brain didn't work like that. He could plan only after seeing what they were up against, not a minute before.

Shikamaru would have to be mid battle to determine what to do, it's how his brain ran, that is what his training was founded on. Matsu could only help his brain develop so much with such a strong bloodline.

They reached the cabin, and knocked. The couple knew they were coming but it's so rude just waking in a home. When the door opened, dull red hair was seen, almost as if it's an effect of aging. The elder woman smiled, her stormy blue eyes twinkled.

"Thank you so much for coming, come inside you all must be exhausted." The woman said and Naruto couldn't get over the red hair. It was similar to his and looked like it was as bright as his when she was younger.

"I used to have the most beautiful bright red hair, similar to you darling." The woman sat down on the couch across the ninja's looking directly at Naruto.

"We'd be twins, you don't look as if you aged passed 45, Uzumaki-Chan." Naruto said and it was true, she looked young but Naruto could tell by her life force that she was at least early seventies. The woman smiled at him and was beginning to talk until the door opened.

"Honey I'm home, and no sign of the bandits." A man came in and he looked a little older than her, and looked like a member of the Nara clan. He had a beard, and raven eyes, with spiky hair much like his mates.

"Welcome home, the ninja's are here." The man came in and looked at the ninja's before he sent one look to his wife and she merely smiled.

"You son, who's your father?" The man asked Shikamaru.

"Shikaku Nara, Nara-San." He replied and the man chuckled.

"I was a Nara long ago my boy, not anymore." Naruto sat next to Shikamaru leaning towards him.

"You feel like telling a story?" Naruto said but the couple knew what he meant, they sat down and chuckled.

"You two are young, and wouldn't know this because of it being lost within generations." Naruto and Shikamaru nodded and the woman smiled.

"My name is Maya Uzumaki, Mito Uzumaki illegitimate daughter." Naruto nodded, this was his family, and aunt of a sorts.

"My name is Kasuga Nara. Born before we started using Shika, that didn't happen until two generations after me." Shikamaru nodded.

"I left the land of whirlpools to establish a a treaty with Konoha, it was there did I finally meet my mother, and the man she didn't love. She was so nice, she mastered Medical Ninjutsu and much like you she wield a red diamond, only something a Uzumaki's could conquer due to our life force and longevity." Maya started and everyone was paying attention.

"While there my mother told me of her life, and what was said to her by Kami. I didn't believe her at first until right before I left I met Kasuga." Kasuga placed a hand on Maya's thigh and she continued.

"She said the Nara clan and Uzumaki clan destiny would be intertwined, they would need the other to survive. They brought the best in one another, and knew one another on a subconscious level." Kasuga smirked and cut in.

"What Maya is trying to say, is that they are soulmates, destined to be with one another. Always gravitating to one another despite the ups and downs and the distance and time." Naruto and Shikamaru went to hold the others hand at that.

"You both are the legacy to finally bring the clans together the way Kami wanted it to be. Not as enemies, but as a clan that can combat anybody in smarts and beauty. A clan Kami wanted as far back as my mother, your great great grandmother." Maya said and Naruto smiled.

"I won't let the lazy Nara leave me." Naruto declared and Shikamaru smiled and chuckled.

"I won't let this troublesome Uzumaki even think I'll leave him." Maya smiled.

"How long have you all been dating?" She asked and Kasuga stood up and ushered Sasuke and Kakashi out the room. Shikamaru smirked.

"A week maybe, I've liked him since I was twelve but our parents are just now accepting us." Maya frowned.

"It was what happened during Hizuren reign huh?" Naruto nodded.

"He combined the Uzumaki and Namikaze clan, it became Uzukaze but you could clearly see that people from my clan either looked like the Namikaze or Uzumaki. I was the first child to look like a mix of two clans." Naruto said and Maya nodded.

"My father loved Naruto's mother and it wasn't fixed until they divorced and married the ones they truly love." Shikamaru answered and Maya nodded.

"You know what must be done, now would you all like to cook with me?" Naruto jumped up and smiled.

"Yes, Granny. Say do all Nara's like Mackerel Miso?" Naruto asked helping the woman up and walking with her to the kitchen.

"Yes, I believe it's genetically programmed." Naruto chuckled and Shikamaru scoffed behind him.

"Is it genetically programmed that Uzumaki's can cook?" Shikamaru asked and Kasuga was heard.

"It is." Naruto and Maya scoffed and Shikamaru smiled.

A week later, Team Seven eliminated all the threats to this couple and made sure nobody else wanted to rob them. Naruto didn't want to leave, him and Maya bonded and Naruto saw himself in her, and was even described like Mito from Maya.

She told him that him and Mito looked similar only thing she didn't have was the fox whiskers and tanned skin and her eyes weren't blue. They shared the same will of fire, and even had the same dominanting chakra. 

She even joked and that he was more like her son than she was her daughter.

"Don't be so upset. You need to head back home." Maya and Naruto were off away from his teammates, Naruto exhaled.

"Granny promise you'll write me and tell me when you are getting worse." Maya shook her head.

"It's my time Honey." Naruto shook his head.

"You can't leave, we've just met. I can heal you." Maya smiled sadly.

"It's untreatable. You know you would only prolong it." Naruto nodded and she brought him into a hug, feeling the warm tears on her shoulder.

"Kasuga knows, he isn't ready but I'm being called home." Maya pulled Naruto away from her, wiping his eyes.

"The Uzumaki clan is a direct clan from Kami herself. Your intuition is spot on, listen to it. It's Kami leading you. I thanked her for allowing us to meet. You have multiple babies with Shikamaru okay?" Naruto nodded and kissed her cheek, putting some healing chakra in it.

"You'll be good for three months, and I want a letter every time I send one." Maya chuckled and nodded.

"Naruto time to leave." Naruto held up his hand and Maya only smiled. Naruto ruffles her hair and she gave a genuine honest laughter.

"Head home and write me a letter okay?" Naruto nodded and walked to his team, Shikamaru'a hands immediately went to Naruto's cheek.

"You know I hate it when you cry." He said loudly as if they were alone and for a moment they were, Kakashi was thanking them and Sasuke was too.

"She's dying." Naruto whispered lowly and Shikamaru exhaled and brought Naruto to him.

They held one another until it was time to leave, waving to the couple and Naruto sending Maya a small smile.

Once they stepped outside and the sun shined so brightly on them, it was as if Kami was letting Naruto know everything is going to be alright.


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