3: Atarah

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I climb into bed and swaddle myself in the covers. The bed is warm and cozy. I close my eyes and prepare myself for sleep. Sleep is always when the spirits talk the most. I can connect with them better and have telepathic conversations instead of having to say everything out loud. I did some research awhile back and I think the best explanation is in spiritual textbooks. The easiest way to explain is that each plane of existence falls into one of four categories: positive, material, negative, or transitive. The astral plane where the spirits reside is a transitive plane meaning the astral plane acts primarily as ways to travel from one place to another. It's easier to reach when you mentally discard the material plane. The astral plane is like a hub for the spirits and it's like the train station for their next destinations. Spirits who have accepted their fate, I cannot connect with because they have gone elsewhere and are no longer truly dead. I have lost a few friends that have accepted their fate and I don't know what happens afterwards. Is there a heaven or hell? Or are they reincarnated on our material plane? I asked Marian once and she said that it is very controversial and a taboo topic among spirits. I guess it goes back to religion. I fear the day that I lose Marian. The astral plane is connected to all the planes of existence, it acts as a train station, but I guess some planes only have inbound trains. A shiver goes down my spine. 

"You speak of the final death, child?" asks a voice in a stage whisper. 

Yes. What does it mean? 

"Every religion has its own theory. The Christians and Greeks believe in an Underworld. The Buddhists and Hindus believe in reincarnation. Some believe in a fine mix of the two. I believe that God takes your religion into account and sends you where you believe you need to go." the spirit answers. 

That answer is beautiful and this is the most optimistic spirit I have ever spoken to, but do you have any proof?

 "No. I just believe." I block my mind from thinking anything negative, so I don't hurt the spirit's feelings in our telepathic conversation. 

"Now Dmitri, don't tell the girl your foolish philosophical fallacies."says another voice whose words feel like freshly sharpened knives. 

"The truth is none of us know what happens after the final death. Dmitri may have his imbecilic conspiracy theories, but perhaps you will one day know." 

That was weird thing to say. How do you know?

 "Well dearie. Maybe if you hadn't wasted your time earlier with all your melodrama and suicide planning, you might have thought of why you were chosen to have this power. There is a prophecy." 

" Kahuna, she is not supposed to know. Heroes who learn their prophecies often try to change them." Dmitri responds with a tinge of fear in his voice for some reason. 

Wait... There is a prophecy about me? Does this have to do with the oracle you mentioned earlier?

 Kahuna responds and I can almost feel her smirking "Why aren't you clever, dear. There have been many oracles—" 

"NOT ANOTHER WORD KAHUNA!" says another voice with unwavering authority. 

"Nostradamus, I only wished to inform her. I mean no harm. I—" 

"Kahuna, I know very well what you are attempting to do. The prophecy will fulfill itself at its own pace. We must not rush destiny." Nostradamus interrupts. His voice feels almost god like due to its ancient feel and commanding tone. Also, how has he not passed on he has been dead for centuries. I don't want to upset him, by asking him questions despite the fact that my curiosity is eating away my good judgement. 

How do you speak modern English so well? I can hear Dmitri chuckling.

 "Child, through telepathic conversation we convey our thoughts without words. Your brain just interprets them in a language your brain can process. I don't even speak English. I speak French." Nostradamus answers in a slightly irritated manner, which I believe is more directed at Kahuna than me. 

I have many questions about the prophecy. 

"As I would expect child, yet it is not information you are ready for. Your powers are still developing. We don't even know if you are the one the prophecy speaks of." he says in response. I feel a new presence, Marian.

 "Whether or not she is the one the prophecy speaks of, she has the right to a good night of sleep. Lord knows she doesn't need more things distracting her from her real life." she says in a maternal, but angry tone. 

"Marian, have some sense. This is part of her real life." Dmitri says softly.

 Kahuna is the next to speak, "And since this is part of her real life, she has the right to know about the prophecy." 

"No! Let her live her life and see if the prophecy is genuine. The world works in mysterious ways and she'll know what her destiny is when it is time." Marian responds. 

Kahuna hisses. "She needs to know. It is her right. I am not alone in this belief." 

I feel thousands of new voices speak in my head. Prophecy. Thou. Shall. Knowledge. Key. Unlock. Passing. Cannot. Breach. 

This is too much. I have to make them listen to me or else I will get lost among them. 


The voices stop and if we were in a room on the material plane you could have heard a pin drop. 


 My declaration is followed by an awkward silence and then some quiet murmuring. Nostradamus is the first to address me. 

"Child, although you have the right. This is not the wisest course of action." 

Please Nostradamus how am I supposed to know what to do with my power if I am not given at least some guidance.

 "We have given guidance. From day one we have been by your side. What you request is not guidance, but a quick reference. Marian is right. You must experience life and maybe when the time is right I'll tell you the prophecy. You are not ready yet. As I said earlier, your powers are not fully developed." 

Okay, but can you at least answer one question. Are you the oracle? 

"Dear child, there are many oracles. The oracle of Delphi, myself, and many others. The one you seek is still alive. When you find him, you will be ready for the prophecy. Be warned that your oracle will not be who you will expect. You must keep an open mind and not judge a book by its cover." I wonder who it will be. Do I already know him? Marian pipes up. "You will know when you find him, but in the meantime sleep." When I hear the word sleep, I immediately feel myself disconnect from the astral plane and drift off into an empty void of nothingness.

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