1: Damien

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"Tomorrow will be a better day..." I thought. Foolishly, I looked into the future only to find myself saying the same thing to myself tomorrow. It's really hard to be an optimist or a pessimist when you know what is going to happen next. I'm not really the glass is half empty or half full type guy. I'm more of a half the glass contains water type of person. I lay down on my twin sized bed and look around my room. All four walls of the room are a dull blue and only one of those walls contain a window. It's a large window, but there is only one of them. Inside my room there is a bed, a tall wardrobe, and a desk for me to do my schoolwork. 

 "Nothing interesting ever happens here. Everything is so predictable." I whisper softly. I I stare at the ceiling for some time, wallowing in my own sadness. Until, I look to the future and realize that I eventually have to get out of my bed. I roll on to my side and pull out my phone. I text my current girlfriend to ask her how she's doing. I know it will take her 30 minutes to respond, so I decide to bide my time watching online gaming videos. I click on the first video that pops up. It was titled 'Impossible 360 No Scope Compilation.' As it starts, to load my mind wanders. I think about my first girlfriend. We were a happy couple and seemingly perfect. We would've lasted longer, if I hadn't gotten paranoid and checked the future for answers. I saw myself breaking up with her the next day and I did. Six girlfriends later and I've broken up with every single one of them for the exact same reason. I turn my focus back to the gaming video.The avatar on the screen spun around and shot another player with a rocket. 

"That doesn't even count. The weapon doesn't even have a scope." I thought, irritated at myself for not checking the future to see if this video was legit.

 "When will something interesting happen?" I ask myself. My question is answered by a vision of a girl asking me if I was the Oracle. 

"Strange, that girl seems eerily familiar." I thought. I used the little self-control I had to stop myself from looking further. After all, I'd hate to spoil the surprise.

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