| 10 | - holding hands

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I think it's about a month since I first began getting these weird feelings whenever I'm around Jimin. My heart starts beating fast just by making eye contact with him. I don't understand it. We're already friends?

I sit staring at Jimin. We're eating alone today since Yunjin and Taehyung are sitting with each other at another table.

I look at how he drinks from the straw with his plumb lips firmly around it. He looks focused, like he's thinking of something. He doesn't notice my stare until he looks up from his food, now looking at me with his dark brown orbs. A small smile spreads on his lips and he runs a hand through his hair. Jimin turned 19 for about 2 or 3 weeks ago, he invited me and Taehyung to a small kind of party where we met some of his other friends. They were all really sweet against Taehyung and me even though we only knew Jimin and Yunjin.

We keep the eye contact for about a minute before I brake it. I take a piece of watermelon in my mouth and it feels like my cheeks are burning.

Jimin: "You okay?" He chuckles not looking away from me.

Jungkook: "Yeah- it's just- it's really spicy"

Jimin: "Your melon is spicy?" I immediately realise what I just said and it just makes my face even redder.

Jimin: "You're all red in the face"

Jungkook: "No I'm not"

Jimin: "Yes you are"

Jungkook: "I'm not"

Jimin: "You are"

Jungkook: "Noo~" I rub my cheeks trying to get the redness away.

Jimin: "I actually thought of something"

Jungkook: "Huh?"

Jimin: "Would you like to do something this Saturday? Only if you don't have plans already of course!" He plays with the rings on his fingers again while looking down at them.

For some reason I begin smiling at his question, he wants to be with me in the weekend alone!?

Jungkook: "I would lo- I don't have any plans this Saturday"

Jimin: "Really?" He looks up with the cutest face.




Jungkook: "Yeah, it would be great to hang out"

Jimin: "At my place?" He licks his lips and a weird feeling forms in my stomach as I look at him.

Jungkook: "Y-Yeah"

Jimin: "Then that's a deal" he chuckles taking a last bite of his food before he begins packing it all together.

Jungkook: "Wait, where are you going?" He stands up with all his things.

Jimin: "I'm just gonna throw my trash out, just come with me" I quickly pack my things together as well running to catch up with him.

Jungkook: "Where're we going?" He grabs my hand in the hall when no one is looking at us. His sudden touch sends chills up my arm.

'You're just holding hands as friends. You know, who doesn't do that?? It's normal'

'It's totally normal'

His hand is small and really soft. I bite my lip not wanting him to see me smile like an idiot.

'Why do I even smile?'

I get a little more confidence and I make my grab around his hand a bit tighter not wanting to let go of it. I turn my head slowly to look down at him. He's smiling looking at his shoes and that just makes me smile even wider than before. My heart pounds faster than normal and I'm just genuinely happy right now.

'No Jungkook, two guy friends don't usually walk around holding hands.'

'You can't hold hands with a guy.'

'You and Taehyung doesn't even hold hands.'

'Let go.'

Going against all in my heart I quickly let go of his hand, the warmth from his hand is now gone.

Jungkook: "Why did you just take my hand?" I ask whispering nervously.

Jimin: "Uhhh- I thought it w-was okay?" He looks up at me and we both stop up in the hall. I look to both of my sides.

Jungkook: "If someone saw it they would think we were gay or something" a whisper even lower.

Jimin: "Is there something wrong with being gay?"

Jungkook: "No it's just, I don't want people to think things about me that isn't true if you know what I mean"

Jimin: "Y-yeah yeah I know" he looks down again, a bit embarrassed.

Jimin: "But you're still coming on Saturday right?" I nod and weird enough, I want to take his hand again.

You're not straight ✔️ | jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now