| 20 | - is jungkook gay?

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I impatiently walk beside Taehyung out of the classroom and towards my locker. He promised he would tell me what he was going to say before. I don't just forget things like that. I'm like a person who wants to know literally everything.

Jungkook: "So uhm, what were you gonna say?" I ask stopping at my locker to drop my chemistry books off.

Taehyung: "Of course you still wanna know" he sighs chuckling a bit.

Jungkook: "Yeah, but what is it?" I stand straight up again looking at him.

Taehyung: "You know, Woomin and Seunghwa told me- this will probably sound so weird to you" he stops talking for a sec looking up at the ceiling.

Jungkook: "Mhm?"

Taehyung: "They said that people think that you and Jimin- are like- how do I say this?" He stops and my heartbeat suddenly begins to go faster and faster.

'Please don't say what I think you're going to say.'

Taehyung: "They think you and Jimin are gay-"

Jungkook: "What!?" I suddenly outburst widening my eyes.

Taehyung: "Yeah, I know it's weird, right?" He chuckles shaking his head.

Taehyung: "It's funny that they like think you're gay cause like, can you remember the time where you couldn't even look at a girl without getting all shy" he chuckles again and I just nod.

Jungkook: "Yeah, why would I like a guy" I fake chuckle as well.

Taehyung: "Mhm, it's so weird."

Jungkook: "But, why did they even think it?" I bite my lip looking at the ground as we begin to make our way towards the next class.

Taehyung: "Hmm. I don't excactly know why but I think someone thinks he saw you two holding hands, but then I like assured him that, that definetely wasn't true."

Jungkook: "G-good" I mumble as we reach the next classroom.

'I'll tell him one time. Just not right now, i haven't even myself gotten used to it yet. Everything with Jimin is still so new to me.'

Taehyung: "I still can't believe he thought you were gay." He chuckles and we sit at our seats.

Jungkook: "Yeah, that was quite weird..." I fake chuckle as well.


School just ended and I'm sitting on a bench beside Jimin a bit away from the school. We're looking at the small park in front of us.

Jimin has placed his hand on his knee and i slowly move my own hand on top of his. I slide my fingers in between his and make a loose grip around it. He turns his head to look at me smiling widely and I smile back.

'He makes me so happy, I can't even discripe all the feelings I have inside of me.'

We don't say so much, it's good enough for us just to be in each other's company. I enjoy silence sometimes, it's a good way to think about stuff when there isn't a lot of people talking and screaming or i don't even know.

Jimin takes a deep breath leaning his head on my shoulder still looking at the tall trees. I close my eyes as I lean my head up against his as well, breathing slowly.

'I love this.'

Jimin: "Jungkook?" He calmly says as I keep my eyes closed.

Jungkook: "Huh?"

Jimin: "Do you want to meet my parents like officially some time?" I then open my eyes.

Jungkook: "Your parents?" I ask suddenly beginning to grow nervous.

Jimin: "Yes, it would be really nice if you did." He softly smiles sitting straight up again.

Jungkook: "I don't really know... We're the only persons who knows about this..." i play with the rings on his fingers again.

Jimin: "Come on, it'll be fun" he smiles brighter looking into my eyes.

Jungkook: "It's just," i sigh. "You know... you're the only one who knows about me being, yeah you know."

I don't know why I suddenly get embarrassed, I just do.

Jimin: "I've brought guys home before, they don't care." He says licking his lips.

Jungkook: "Okay" i sigh again but a little smile still forms on my lips.

Jimin: "Yay." He exclaims hugging my arm while chuckling.

'He can be so dominant at times, and sometimes he's just like a little baby.'

Jungkook: "You're cute" i say giggling at his behaviour.

Jimin: "You're the cute one here, you're the little one." He lets go of my arm with the one hand.

Jungkook: "But I'm still taller" I say slightly puffing to him.

Jimin: "Height has nothing to do with personalities and you know that!"

I laugh again smiling.

Jungkook: "I know." I smile back chuckling.

Jimin: "But do you still wanna go home with me today?" He licks his lips looking into my eyes.

'How could I even say no?'

Jungkook: "Yeah, of course." We lock eyes for some time, just looking at each other. But my eyes suddenly catches something different. The long slender body which Taehyung owns.

I quickly move away from Jimin still sitting on the bench acting like I'm fixing my hair, while Jimin just looks at me weird.

Jimin: "What are you doing?"

Jungkook: "Taehyung" i whisper looking after him again.

'He can't see us like this, not before I've told it to him myself. I would never know how to explain all of this right now.'

Jimin: "Ohhhh." He says looking down.

'And Taehyung didn't even sound like the most optimistic person about gay or bi people. He literally laughed at the thought of me with a guy. So I really don't know how to tell him about me and Jimin.'

Jimin: "Should we walk home now?" He says taking a deep breath while standing up and throwing the backpack over his small shoulders again.

I nod and stand up as well with him. When he's about to take my hand I quickly and suddenly pull it back to myself, leaving his hand with nothing to hold onto.

'No one can ever see us like this, when we're this close to the school.'

Jungkook: "I'm sorry..." I say as I see his hurt expression.

Jimin: "It's okay" he sighs putting on a smile and he stuffs his hand down in his pockets.

You're not straight ✔️ | jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now