| 16 | - cut

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Jimin: "You're really beautiful" he randomly says as I take pack of butter out of the fridge. My heart flutters and I begin smiling, I just hope no one is looking at us.

We stand in the corner of a supermarket buying things for tonight.

Jimin: "You're really, really cute" Jimin keeps staring at me with a sweet smile.

Jungkook: "Jimin shhhh" I whisper looking around seeing if Taehyung or Yunjin saw us.

Jimin: "What's wrong, I just said you were-"

Jungkook: "Stop" I whine.

Jimin: "Fine" he sighs taking the butter out of my hands and we make our way back to Taehyung and Yunjin.

Taehyung: "Ahhh thank you guys, we just need a pack of pasta now" he reaches out for the butter and Jimin hands him it.

Yunjin: "I can go and get that" she says leaving us. After about a minute she comes back with the pasta.

Taehyung: "Don't we have everything now?" He looks at the list one more time checking if we have remembered everything.

Taehyung: "We have everything." He softly smile looking down at the yellow over filled shopping basket.

Taehyung: "Who's lifting the basket? I'm definitely not going to"

I sigh as I nod.

Jungkook: "I can take it."

As I lift the basket, it's way heavier than I thought. But I try to act like it's nothing.

'Jimin shouldn't be thinking I'm weak or something.'

We walk towards the cashier and every time I take a step the basket just feels heavier and heavier to the point where I have to stop up and take a break. I walk behind the others so they won't notice, but of course Jimin turns around to see if I'm keeping up with them.

Jimin: "Ohh, do you need help?" He asks softly smiling at me. He begins to walk over to me but I quickly lift the basket again.

Jungkook: "No of course not! I'm totally fine!" I put on a smile as well trying to hold back the pain in my right hand.

Jimin: "You sure? It looks a bit heavy, I can help?" He keeps looking up at me with those eyes of his.

Jungkook: "I'm okay, it's not even that heavy" I say as I begin walking again.

Luckily I make my way over to the cashier without tripping over myself or dropping anything from the basket.

Cashier: "Are you paying with card or cash?" The male cashier asks beginning to scan all of our items one by one.

Taehyung: "Card" He says opening his wallet.


Jimin: "Your hands are big" he looks at me amazed and I just keep cutting the onions with a knife. I smile but I still concentrate at the slicing, it wouldn't be nice if I accidentally cut myself.

We're alone in the kitchen, Taehyung and Yunjin are in the room beside us placing the plates, glasses and all of that on the big dining table.

Jimin slowly swirl his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind.

Jungkook: "Jimin..."

Jimin: "What?"

Jungkook: "Let go, please" i say not showing many emotions at all.

'I don't want him to let go of me at all, I'm just scared if Taehyung or Yunjin will see it. They won't understand it. They will think I'm weird now.'

Jimin obeys and takes his arms off me, with his head low he makes his way into the room with the others.

'Why am I like his?'

I shake all the thoughts from me only focusing on cutting the onions now.

They all come back from the dining room a few moments later while laughing, but right as Jimin sees me he stops again.

You're not straight ✔️ | jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now