| 43 | - a morning

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jimin: "jungkook?" a soft voice interrupts my sleeping, and i make a hmm sound pulling the extremely soft blanket that smells like jimin over me again.

jimin: "we have to get up now." his voice is still soft as he carefully pulls the blanket off me for the second time today.

i then remember yesterday, and i immediately get a bit embarrassed and happy at the same time.

i open my eyes only to see jimin shirtless.

jimin: "do you want to take a shower, or?" i nod as i sit up rubbing my eyes.

jimin: "do you want to go first?"

jungkook: "n-no you can go first." i shyly say as i blush over how pretty his smile is.

jimin: "i'll be fast, promise!" he says that as he gets off the bed grappling his school uniform from his closet.

i bite my lip as i look at the floor smiling when he leaves the room.

'i'm so happy.'

i get up from his bed as well and find my backpack in the corner of his room. i open it and take the clothes i packed out. i've heard my phone buzz a few times, but i have just ignored it. i know it's either my mom or dad, trying to convince me to come home again, in both of their unique ways. my dad being the angry person he is, would probably yell at me through the phone while my mom would calmy trying to tell me why it's better if i'm home.

and i was right, there's plenty of missed calls from my dad and mom. also a lot of un read messages, but i just put my phone away again. i don't want to get in a bad mood right now, i will be happy today, like i already am.

it doesn't take long before jimin is back again, he's still drying his hair with a grey towel in his hands.

jimin: "just use the same toothbrush from yesterday, the one i showed you in the drawer where my things are, and," he puts the towel to the side running a hand through his hair, "there's like a red shampoo i use, you can use that as well."

i nod at everything he says, everything is thought through.

jimin: "ohh, i almost forgot." he walks towards his cabinet again where he stands on his tippy toes to reach a towel for me, he throws the towel at me and i catch it in the air.

jimin: "i think you have everything now." he licks his lips and i nod again.

jungkook: "thank you so much." i smile.

jimin: "no problem." he smiles back and i get out of his room again quickly before i do something stupid.

i suddenly hear jimins mom say my name on my way towards the bathroom and i stop up, with the towel and clothes in my hands.

ms. park: "good morning jungkook, what are you doing here this early?" she grins already dressed up for work.

jungkook: "good m-morning, ms. park," i politely bow, "i-i slept here." i nervously say looking away from her, but i still notice the big warm smile that jimin probably got from her, appearing on her lips.

ms. park: "ohh, you were on your way to the bathroom?" she notices all the things in my hands and i nod.

jungkook: "is that okay?"

ms. park: "yes of course, sweetie!" she looks up at me and pats my shoulder.

'she's so small.'

jungkook: "thank you." i bow a last time before she walks away again, and i get inside the bathroom taking a quick shower.

their bathroom is actually quite big, it just feels smaller because it is filled with so many things, it's like that all around their house. but i love it. i love when you sqeeze furnitures into small places, to make it feel even smaller. i just have something for tiny places. but it's not like their house is messy, it's the opposite of that, everything is so organised, everything has their own spot.

i quickly finish everything i have to do and i get out again now wearing my school uniform. i see jimin sitting at the dinning table with his mom through the corner of my eye. i put my sleeping clothes into my bag and walk towards jimin and his mom.

ms. park: "sit down jungkook." she smiles pointing at the chair beside jimin. i quietly sit beside him, and i fiddle nervously with my ring around my finger. i keep taking it off, just to put it on again.


i know how much jimin wants to hold hands on our way towards school, he keeps saying he can wait until i'm ready, but i know deep down that he wishes for it so innerly. so i've decided that i will take his hand, being the one to take the initiative.

i gulp an extra time before i take his hand in mine. there's two girls walking on the other side of the street, but i don't think they've noticed us yet.

jimin: "taking my hand? that's new, even for you." he giggles, and i can see how happy he has gotten compared to just some seconds ago.

jungkook: "i guess it is." i chuckle as well, but i can't help but look at the girls every now and then. i know it's stupid, but what if they're going to tell people they've seen us like this.

even the thought of it makes me almost choke up and i quickly brush the idea off me again.

today was going to be a good day, a happy one actually.

jimin leans his head up against the top of my shoulder making me even more tense in the moment, that's why i tighten my grip around his hand.

jimin: "jungkook it's okay!" he giggles tilting his head backwards so he can look up at me, with those beautiful eyes of his.

jungkook: "but there's girls-"

jimin: "and what so ever? jungkook i don't think they even mind."

jungkook: "but-"

jimin: "no buts," he interrupts me again, "we're are holding hands today and that's just how it is, okay?"

jungkook: "okay." i sigh try to give him a smile just as big as his, but it's quite hard when you're as scared as i am right now.

i just try my best to just ignore them.


it's almost 1 am, so i have to start working on tomorrow's chapter, cause we're having guests so i won't be able to write on it in the day time.

but i hoped that you liked today's chapter!!💌

You're not straight ✔️ | jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now