| 21 | - baby

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Ohhh, Jimin?

'Park Jimin'

Ahhh, hi Jungkook!!! What is it?


What are we?

'Park Jimin'

What we are?


Yeah like what are we..?

'Park Jimin'

Hmm, what do you wanna be?


Ohhh I don't know.

'Park Jimin'

Ohh okay.

'Why did I just say that? What I actually want is, us to be something, not just someone. But like something we could call ourselves. It maybe doesn't have to be boyfriend and boyfriend yet but just something that symbolises our relationship with each other.'

'Park Jimin'

I have to leave, see you.



I put my phone away again, placing it on the night table beside my bed. My lights are turned off so it's total darkness inside my room. The curtains are also pulled down covering the windows so the sun won't shine through them.

'Everything would be way easier if Jimin was a girl. I wouldn't have to hide it from my parents and just everyone else.'

'I miss Jimin. If he just layed beside me.'

I try for about an hour to fall asleep, but I don't. I keep thinking about Jimin.

'Did he get upset over the message I send about I didn't know what I wanted us to be? Should I call him? Is he even awake? I just want to hear his voice.'

I look at the time '02.28 AM' it says. I log into my phone and press on my contacts quickly finding Jimin. I hesitate a bit when I press on call but soon after when I hear his voice I don't.

Jimin: "Jungkook?" He whispers.

A smile lifts my lips immediately as I hear his soft calming voice.

Jungkook: "Hi, Jimin." I quietly whisper back.

Jimin: "Why are you calling?"

Jungkook: "I just wanted to hear your voice." I honestly tell making myself into a small ball on my bed while I keep a tight grip around my phone.

Jimin: "Can't you sleep?"

Jungkook: "No..."

Jimin: "Hmm, have you tried to eat something? It always helps me when I can't sleep."

Jungkook: "No, but I'm not really hungry."

Jimin: "Do you have to pee? That can also help."

Jungkook: "No, i just peed."

Jimin: "Then, is there any lights turned on in your room? I can never fall asleep when it's bright in my room."

Jungkook: "It's totally dark."

Jimin: "Then I don't know baby." He chuckles but then stops when he realises what he just said.

Jungkook: "Baby?" I wide my eyes in the darkness and my heart stops beating.

Jimin: "Ohh- I'm sorry, n-not baby." He nervously says making me smile.

Jungkook: "N-no, you can call me that." I can feel my cheeks burn and butterflies storms around in my stomach making me let out a giggle. My giggle makes Jimin laugh as well and that just makes my heart flutter even more with happiness.

'I'm so in love with him.'


A/n: i know this was a vEry short chapter, but it's because i want to change my theme a bit in them. idk if it's even called a theme but whatever.

i just got summer break so expect chapters more often! heheheh. well yeah, i will soon update again.

and one more thing. can i just like thank you all for the support on this story🙇🏼‍♀️ it already has +2 k reads. like i never expected that. but thank you so much💘 i love you all

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