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3rd person POV

jungkook's dad slammed his hand down on the table harshly arguing with his wife, meanwhile his son was inside of his room being able to here every single word they said to each other.

jungkook and his dad just had a big fight, causing jungkook to break down into tears the moment he got inside of his room. he's a place where he thought for a time was his safety place.

dad: "i don't care, my son is not becoming like them!" he yells at his wife angrily standing up.

mom: "he is your son, Jungho. at least try and talk to him!" she tries to calm herself down with taking deep breaths.

'breathe in, and out.' she thought to herself while pouring the coffee into the mugs on top of the kitchen counter.

dad: "i said i don't care, it's a phase and i'll make sure he gets out of it as soon as possible." he sits back in the chair tapping with his fingers on the solid wooden table.

mom: "you can't just change him, what so ever if he's into boys. it doesn't effect you." she desperately tries to keep her voice at er certain level.

dad: "that's exactly what it does! what will people not think of a dad, who raised such a son?" he says frustrated.

mom: "how do you think jungkook feels after everything you said to him!?" she tensely grip around the mug in her hand.

dad: "like he's supposed to feel, it's a shame for our family that he's like that."

mom: "into boys? is that really a good reason to treat our jungkook like you do?"

mom: "he's only 17." she bites her trembling bottom lip, while trying to hold back the tears that suddenly wants to come out.

dad: "two guys are not supposed to see one another in sexual ways." he simply says fixing the sleeves of his shirt.

dad: "they're not going to see each other before jungkook is cured." he nods to himself proud of what he just said.

mom: "cured? what language are you using? they're seeing each other everyday at school!"

dad: "why didn't he become like junghyun?" he sighs taking his hands up to her face.

dad: "he's a masterpiece, excellent grades," he stops looking at his wife, "and even a beautiful girlfriend." he sarcastically says.

mom: "why can you not just support him for once?" that's the last thing she says before she storms out of the kitchen into their shared bedroom.

jungkook's POV

'why didn't i become like junghyun?'

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