Chapter 40//Crazy Love

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   Nearly a year had passed since that day on the beach, but for Yoongi and Jinae it didn't feel like that. They'd passed the time between work and wedding preparations. They would have held the ceremony the day after the proposal if they could have. However, nearly as soon as they'd announced their proposal Yoongi had been sent on a two-month project overseas. Jinae had quickly become wrapped up in wedding planning and in helping her mother with Jinsu, her little sister. They both stayed busy, happily anticipating their future. 

    Of course, at times the wait had been excruciating. There had been days when Yoongi had wanted to fly back home and run away with Jinae. Then, of course, there had been days when Jinae had wanted to run away and leave all of her carefully constructed plans behind her as she and Yoongi rode off into the sunset after elopement. 

     Only Yoongi could give her such a reckless abandon for plans and norms. 

    However, they'd waited. 

     Yoongi had gone on in his reporting, both in Seoul and out. Jinae had continued to teach piano and give benefit concerts, and then when she could she helped her mother with her sister and her small business. 

     Now though, it was the morning of their ceremony. The day they'd waited for, longed for, had finally come. 

     The day looked promising, with the early May sun peaking over the pink and purple colors.  Jinae at on Mr. Nam's balcony, sipping a cup of coffee in the early dawn. 

    Jinae and Yoongi had decided that the place they wanted to seal their love and commitment to be at Mr. Nam's cabin. That had been where they'd first admitted their love, and it just seemed appropriate to take the next step there. The wedding party and the few guests had filled the only inn in the town nearby, and only Jinae and her bridesmaids had ended up staying in the cabin. Mr. Nam had vacated the premises in favor of staying with Yoongi and his groomsmen, leaving the women the entire house to get ready in. 

    Jinae was just spending a few moments of quiet with herself before her mother whisked her back inside to get ready. Things had been crazy busy with last minute preparations, decorating, organizing, and the rehearsal dinner. For some reason, people still kept calling Jinae with their wedding-related issues despite Yoongi telling everyone that he would break their kneecaps if they stressed her out. Jinae smiled when she'd recalled his menacing expression as he'd stared his youngest groomsmen, Jungkook, down after he'd asked Jinae if she knew where he could find his suitcase twenty times. 

     Jinae didn't mind all that much, she was used to helping people. However, Yoongi wanted this to be a good experience for her, and for him, that meant it needed to be stress-free. 

     Despite Yoongi's worries, she truly was having a good time. She liked getting to visit with her friends and family. Jin Myung and Sophie were two of her bridesmaids, along with Hana, who Jinae had finally been able to meet. Of course, Yoongi had seven men to give the privilege of groomsmen, and so Jinae had roped in some of her cousins and younger aunts to fill the gaps. She didn't mind though. It warmed her heart that Yoongi had close ties to such a wonderful group of people. 

     She finished sipping her coffee in the morning's serenity before she slipped back inside, just in time to stop her mom from going into panic mode. Jinae returned the smiles of the other women in the cabin as they rushed her into a chair so their talents could take over to prepare her for the big day. 

    Today was the day she was going to become Min Yoongi's wife. 


   Yoongi paced back and forth with a look of sheer fear plastered on his face. Around him, his groomsmen mirrored the essence of his emotion. 

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