Chapter 6: Facing Off with a Vamp? Not a Good Idea.

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Wait.. you are my family, my wattpad family!



Angels POV

I am walking home when I smell this weird scent on the wind.

Vampire. I looked around but when I turned full around and saw dark red eyes staring at me. I screamed as loud as I could. "COBEN! HELP ME!" I turned and ran the other way but I tripped and fell hard. I tried to crawl but my leg was hurting so bad that I screamed again. "COBEN! PLEASE!  . My leg was hurting so bad. I tried to crawl and i had to bite down on my cheek to stop my scream. "PLEASE HE'S TOO FAST! PLEASE!" I looked down and bone was protruding out of my thigh. I saw the vampire stalk closer towards me and bent down and looked me in the eye. "Master is gonna have so much fun with you!" He said laughing like a maniac. He covered my nose and mouth with a cloth, I fought like a wild cat. I was losing consciousness. "Coben, help, please..." I said to him in his mind fading out of consciousness. 

Coben's POV

I just don't feel safe with her walking on her own at night. I start walking home as well. I.. "COBEN! HELP ME!" Angel. NO! I started running and smelling on my way, using my heightened senses. I kept running in her way.  "COBEN PLEASE!" I ran faster. I had to get to my baby girl. She means so much to me and I had to find her as fast as I could. "PLEASE HE'S TOO FAST! PLEASE!" My wolf was going rampid. I wanted to let him loose but I was in control. I had to get to her. I stopped and sniffed and turned left and I saw the vamp that made my mate break her leg. I snarled at him. He hissed back. 

"Who are you?" I asked him trying to be civil. 

"I am the person who has hurt and soon to be the one who kidnapped your mate. I am Jason." He said smiling at me showing his canines. 

"I will KILL you! " I yelled and snarled at him, Axe speaking his fury through me as well. 

I ran for him. He ran at me and dodged me. Wait, where was Angel? "Shit, he has her. I have to go get her." I said to Axe. "Well then what are you doing not running after her? You are a dumbass to not go after her, by the way, why are you just standing here talking to me." He answered me. I started running in his way. 

I will get my baby back. At ANY cost.

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