Chapter 9: Angels Wish

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This is another chapter.. Hope that ya'll like it. Vote, Comment, Share!

- DevilSheWolf


Angel's POV

"ANGEL!!" Coben roared

"Help me please, help me Coben!" I screamed at him. 

I was still running even though I had run out of adrenaline and still gaining but using it so quickly. I kept running because I knew what was behind me and I couldn't let him reach me.

"Angel, why continue to run even though you know that you are outmatched. I can smell your fear. I can feel your feet pounding into the ground. I can hear your heartbeat. Even though I can't see you, I know exactly where you are. You and I both know that you can't run forever, you will collapse. I will find you, even if it means killing any and everyone in my way. I might even start off with your family." Dimitri said still walking towards me.

" You will never find me or my mate. I will kill you before find her!" Coben snarled running in front of me to protect me. He pushed me behind him, getting into a defensive stance ready to tear into Dimitri at a moments notice. 

Dimitri walked into the small clearing. His eyes were red, and his fangs were out. 

"Dimitri," I breathed "what do you want from me, a pitiful girl whom you never wanted from the start. Why are you chasing me down, to what purpose is this for?" 

"Angel, Angel, Angel.." he said quietly "What ever will I do without you?"

"C-coben what is he meaning?" I whimpered

"I'm not sure baby, but he will never touch you again. I can promise you that." He answered growling. 

Dimitri came closer and Coben snarled warning him to not come any closer. Dimitri stopped moving. Coben relaxed a tiny bit of a fraction and then Dimitri struck. He ran around Coben and grabbed me. His arm was around my neck and his fangs were so close to my neck.

"You better tell your mutt to stand down or his baby girl will be dead in a few seconds." He stated quietly his teeth lightly grazing my neck. I stiffened, tears streaming down my face.

"C-coben you need t-to stand down. I need you to s-stand down. If you don't, D-dimitri will kill me and you won't ever see me again. P-please s-stand d-down." I said quietly tears streaming down my face. I silently wished for him to save me.

Coben backed up and stood up. That is all that Dimitri needed to get his mouth away from my neck, he never let go of me though.

"Thank you, now what I want to do with Angel. I want to hurt you Coben." Dimitri said smirking "That is what I want to do with her."

Coben started walking forward and snarled. "Ah, ah, ah, that will not do." Dimitri said disapprovingly.

After that, everything was a blur, they moved so fast. Coben roared and charged at Dimitri, Dimitri snarled back put his mouth on my shoulder and bit me. I fell to the ground screaming in pain and clawing at the bite. I looked to Coben and whimpered, he was fighting Dimitri. He looked at me pain flashing in his eyes, and roared. 

After that it went black.


Thank you so much for reading my story, you are all my inspiration to write at all. 

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