Chapter 7: One Hell of a Headache

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Third Person POV

The vampire was in the lead and was carrying Angel. Coben was following him. 

"You will never find me and you will never see your Angel ever again." The vampire said to him. still running. He laughed at Coben and vanished out of sight around the corner. 

Coben sank to his knees and howled. He let his wolf take over and the transformation was very quick due to the fact that he had shifted many times before. He looked up. His eyes were black. 

"I WILL FIND YOU ANGEL, WHATEVER IT TAKES!" He growled into the darkness.

Angel's POV

I felt like I was falling. I couldn't stop falling! I was in the school replaying what I had spoken to Coben about. I felt like he was being ripped away and somebody else was my mate. I didn't know if this was real or not, but it was sure as hell scary. I felt my bond to Coben breaking and I felt somebody come over and whisper to me.

"Angel... Angel are you there. Please speak to me." The person said

"W-who are you, Where a-am I? Please tell me where I am!" I said freaking out. I had no clue where I was, where was Coben? Where was my baby?

"Where is Coben? Where is my Mate?" I asked calming down some.

"Coben is a challenge to overcome. He is a choice that you have to make. You have two choices and they will try to have you choose them. But be warned if you want to have children then you have to have them before one of them marks you." 

I was scared by the person that was talking to me while I was in a coma. I tried to get away and to live my own life.

"W-who are you?" I asked the mysterious lady. I was scared by the person who was talking to me in a coma for moon goddesses sake ,and I wanted to live my own life without anybody interfering in it.

"I am the Moon Goddess child, you can choose this path that has your future in it or you can choose another path and face the consequences. This is your choice and you have to make it. Not Coben, not your vampire mate, they can influence you and what you do, but this is all on you,child. I believe that you will make the right choice." The Moon Goddess said while fading away.

"Wait! Please! I have so many things to say and to ask. I don't have the time to say it but I need you to help me choose the right choice. Please." I asked loosing hope in my future, knowing that this will be the hardest choice in my life. 

"I can try to direct you in the path that is your future but you might not like everything that happens." she said to me walking away and fading. " Remember, this is your life, you are you, not somebody's puppet to play with."

She faded away and I whispered to where she disappeared, "Thank you."

Now I had a life to live. I opened my eyes to a room full of... Vampires! This is going to be one hell of a life for me! I tried to sit up, my head started to get dizzy and hurt like hell.

"Careful, the knockout serum that Josh here used will have the after-effects of lightheadedness, dizziness, vomiting, and one hell of a headache. This serum that he used is the new kind that we have perfected to take out werewolves that are in pristine condition. The next one on our list is Coben Moscow. Your mate. Be careful when you choose your mate, choose the vampire and the mutt lives, choose the mutt and bad things could happen to him and you and if you do become pregnant then to your unborn child as well. Choose wisely." The coven leader said then left along with the rest of the blood-sucker council. 

I will save Coben no matter what it takes, even if its my own life. I would die for him. 

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