Chapter 8: Mine

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Sorry for the other chapter. It is getting fixed right now. Sorry. -Aolson


Coben's POV

"Nobody takes what is ours and gets away with it." Axe my wolf says.

" I agree. Nobody takes Angel and gets away with. They need to die for what they have done to my mate!" I said back.

I started to think of what I would do to those bloodsuckers if and when I get my hands on him, and them.


Angel's POV

I was stuck in my room for what seemed like an eternity. They wouldn't let me out of the room at all! The council was wanting me to choose Dimitri as my mate. I refused to do so because I wanted to have pups and to live a happy life. But then I would lose Victoria my vampire. But then I would be free to do what I wanted and not have to be a possession and a prized brood mare for the taking. Somebody knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I said

"It's just me." Dimitri answered

Why the fuck is he here. He is the one who should be leaving me and my wolf alone. I had to fight to keep Victoria from bursting forth, blocking me out forever, and accepting to be his mate.

"Let me talk to him please! I can't keep quiet all the time. I have to talk to him for the first time. Please just let me talk to him for once. I understand that you don't want to accept him but he is our mate! OUR! Not just mine! So will you please let me talk to him for once!" Victoria pleaded to me.

" Only this once. No funny business." I said

"Thank you so much Angel!" she replied

In that time that I had conversed with Victoria I had allowed Dimitri to get close to me and i felt him touch my face just as I was letting Victoria have lead. I gasped at the shocks that I felt but they got stronger once Victoria came out. It started to burn. I gasped in pain. His touch hurt so bad that I wanted to scream!

" I am Vict... Ahhhhhh!!!" Victoria tried to say

I burst through screaming. I tried to rip my grip from his. He wouldn't let go. He was burning my hand. "What's wrong my love? Please tell me what is wrong?" He said

"LET ME GO! YOUR BURNING ME! PLEASE LET ME GO!" I screamed trying to get out of his grasp.

His eyes shone with fear. He was... afraid? I dug up the courage to slap him. He was stunned enough that I got my hand away from his and I started running from him. I slammed the door in his face and locked the door. He started banging on the door and yelling "ANGEL LET ME OUT NOW! IF YOU DON'T I WILL KILL YOUR MUTT OF A MATE!"

Now I was scared for me and my mate Coben. If I let him out he would hurt me. If I didn't let Dimitri out he would send assassins to kill Coben. I formed a plan in my head.

"If you kill my mate, I swear t-to the moon goddess that I will kill myself and you will want to rip that dead heart of yours out from the pain. That is my promise to you BloodSucker!" I said growling. 

"Sorry babydoll, your gonna have to do better than that! Because I can do so much better than your pitiful suicide attempt that you just told me of." Dimitri snapped back at me.

He was growling now. Eyes red and flashing a warning to me and his fangs were out as well through the window in the door.

"I could mark you right now and you would be in so much pain, or I could almost kill and torture you by sucking out your blood." He threatened with a glint in his eye. He slammed against the door one last time and broke through the door.

He started towards me but his eyes were violet.

"Angel, I am Leo, you need to get out of here now. I have seen what Dimitri will do to you if you choose Coben. He will change you and torture you. You need to leave NOW! I can keep him at bay as long as I am able to but you need to get away as soon as possible." he yelled at me. Fighting to keep Dimitri back as soon as possible his eyes changing color fighting with each other. "RUN!" He yelled.

I did as he said and ran. I ran for my life. Bounding over people just to get to the door. I got to the door and I heard Dimitri yell. "ANGEL! I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DECIDED!" I kept running. I tried to shift but it seemed that whatever they gave me didn't allow that to happen. It also seemed that I could no longer run. I was so scared for my life. I just kept running even though I had no strength or fight left in me at all.

Dimitri's POV

"That little bitch. I will find her and torture her so much that her other mate screams in agony. I Will find her and when I do she will regret it so much that she wishes that she just accepted me as her mate." I said to myself.

I heard her running and panting. She was so far away, but I could easily track her down and make her pay! She won't see me coming at all.

Coben's POV

"Angel where in the world are you?" I muttered underneath my breath.

"Coben ,help, help me please. HE'S GONNA KILL ME! PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed

"Angel! Where are you? PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU!!!" I yelled back

"I'm near his territory. Please come quick! He's coming! AHHHHHHHH!" she screamed

"ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.


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Thanks- aolson 

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