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Patrick and I didn't speak to my mother long but she said that she would tell the kids I was there. we took a car home, but it was quiet as I watch the bland looking buildings pass by out the window.

Patrick signed as he closed the door behind him. I was really hoping to not have to do this again until it was time for our second child." he said stressfully.

"what are you talking about? its supposed to be great for guys." I snarled at him under the pressure and stress.

"well its not, okay? you think I like seeing you hurt like that?" he snapped back at me an took a seat next to me on the couch.

"I was told it doesn't always hurt, plus I'm supposed to be giving you whatever you physically need, its my job."

"it just doesn't seem right to me" he shook his head "and its not that kind of hurt I'm worried about, its the inside hurt that doesn't go away, you just seem so...sad when we tried to make a first child." he said sadly. the air was quiet. He was right, I was sad, I didn't want to make a first child, but it didn't matter, I had to. "I don't think I can do it anymore." he said.

"you're acting like we have a choice." I said.

"why wouldn't we?" he snapped back at me.

"you herd what my mother said. what if something bad happens?" I asked.

"they wouldn't do anything bad to us." he said.

"we don't know that. what if were forced to live on the outside by ourselves?" I asked thinking of one of the worst situations.

"if we can't have children they will probably just stick us with the elders, and you'll be free of me and you can wait on your stupid Pete guy to become one, better yet maybe you can just trade me for him, maybe he can give you all four." he said angrily. I knew what Patrick was feeling, I just didn't remember the name for it here, to feel it and to say the word were very bad. it popped into my head.

"are you jealous?" I asked him.

"No! why would you accuse me of such a thing!?" he asked clearly offended.

"that's what you're acting like, and I don't like it." I crossed my arms.

"look, I'm sorry" his voice toned down to a nicer one. "were both afraid and under a bit of stress now. and I'm very sorry and silly for trying to go against rules like that. would you be willing to try again with me?" he asked.

"don't ask like we have the choice " I said with kind of a frown.


we made sure we got it right this time. I still didn't like it but he didn't either.

"can I tell you a secret?" he asked as we laid by each other in the bed, not touching.

"sure." I said.

"when I was little my dad had this thing in our home hidden away in my oldest brothers room called a piano and before he died he moved it into my room and he taught me how to play it." he said into the silence.

"what did it look like? how did you play it?" I asked curiously.

"it was big, real big and it had these black and white rectangles that sat in a long row, and when you push the little rectangles down it made a chiming noise like the school chimes. when you push the right ones down at the right time, it makes this thing called music. its the best sounding thing I've ever herd. I use to keep my parents up all night just making up music." he laughed.

"I want to hear music." I smiled.

"its do old world, I'm not sure why they don't have it here." he said sadness creeping into his voice.

"what do you know about the war?" I asked him.

"nothing really, I'm just glad its over now. everyone killed everyone. I do know that we came from Americans." he said.

"everyone all knows that." I said but that's about all of it we actually did know, in school it was in our text books, but it was never actually explained. we didn't know who bit was with or who won or how it started but our teachers did say it was bloody and made us fear of it ever happening again, that's why we all had to follow the rules.

"what if we lived in a place without rules?" I asked him. I expected him to call me silly or a dreamer again but he didn't.

"that would be wonderful." he said with true emotions in his words. as we got dressed we herd a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I said rushing into the small living room area. As I opened the door I was shocked by what I saw.

"Pete!" I yelled and through my arms around him. "please come in" I said cheerfully and we sat down on the couch together.

"I herd were the only two new people in the neighborhood that haven't made a first." he laughed.

"you're in this housing unit?!" I said surprised.

"its not for lack of not trying" Patrick said fully dressed from the door way leading to the hall.

"so do you like your match?" I asked him happily.

"no" he laughed.

"is this the Pete guy?" Patrick asked sitting down on the couch beside me.

"you've talked about me to your match?" Pete asked lifting an eyebrow. "do you like your match?" he asked with a smirk knowing Patrick was right there.

"yeah! of course I do. Patrick is very sweet." I said with a smile.

"I'm glad, but unfortunately I didn't come here to chit chat. I came here to let you in on something. can I trust him?" Pete looked yo Patrick. I didn't know, I never really questioned it, everyone trusted everyone here. Patrick seemed nice enough to be able to trust possibly so I nodded to Pete.

"of course you can trust me, I can trust you, right?" Patrick asked back to Pete.

"I came here to tell you that I know for a fact there's a middle world, the one Ben use to tell you about." Pete said in a whisper.

"an I not the only one that's crazy here? why do you two believe in childish fairy tails? the war destroyed everything out there, my dad saw it, he worked on the wall, he would know." Patrick said. Pete leaned forward and looked at Patrick directly.

"where's your father?" Pete asked him.

"he fell off the wall during a repair." Patrick argued getting offended.

"fell of or just knew too much?" Pete asked in a dead eyed stare off with Patrick.

"he would of told my family if he knew something, if he knew something was on the outside" Patrick said.

"Patrick, where did you say your father got that piano?" I asked curiously.

"what's a piano?" Pete asked confused.

"no, he couldn't of brought it back over the wall, it was much too big, besides I remember him building it." Patrick shook his head.

"where did he get the parts?" I asked there was silence.

"tell us what you know." Patrick asked no longer wanting to argue with Pete.

" I know there's a place out there with a real world somewhere beyond those gates. I also know the people who don't conceive their first on time, just disappear. I don't know how many more days I can keep up the lie that I've tried with my wife, but I herd they only give you three days. I'll be back every night to tell you I'm still here. once I stop coming, that means I've disappeared too." Pete said. I wondered if that's what happened to Ben and Patrick's sister Lucy. "don't tell a soul about this, but I'm trying to plan a way out." Pete said.

"we won't, please just let us know if you do." Patrick asked. Pete nodded and stood up from the table. I gave him a long hug before he left.

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