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"give her to me!" Patrick ordered.

"no." another mans voice said. my eyes refused to open and everything seemed jumbled up.

"that's my wife" I herd Patrick say.

"not out here she's not, she was just your match inside those walls." the voice countered. I was vaguely aware I was being carried.

"she still wears my name around her finger. I'm supposed to take care of her! now give her to me!" Patrick's voice demanded angrily.

" well it doesn't look like you've been doing a good job of it" the voice argued. "besides, your much too weak right to carry her." the voice said and then silence. where were we going? were we going back home, to the new World? I didn't know if I wanted to. I decided to sleep again.


I woke up in a large bed alone in an old world looking room with light blue walls and a white ceiling. I sat up in the comfortable bed and looked around the room, the wood floors were shiny and dark, there was a dresser about the same color to match. I threw my legs over the side of the bed perplexed by the old world clothes I was now wearing, jeans and a white shirt. I herd distant arguing and looked to the white open door that looked to lead into a hall area. I stood up slowly making sure I didn't get dizzy. I walked into the hall with the same light blue walls and wood flooring noticing that there wee other closed white doors and a set of stairs. the voices were coming from under me so I decided to take the stairs. once I did I was met with another hall way that went on further but opened right up into what looked like a big living room with honey yellow walls and a large window, there I saw Patrick and Pete talking on the couch. I still stood in the door door way as my eyes widened as if I had seen a ghost. they both looked up at me and a wide smile spread across Pete's face as. he stood up as I ran to him and threw my arms around him and he did the same for me.

"I'm glad you're awake he said and we pulled away.

"what is this place? its so old worldly." I asked marveling at all the little features of an an average old world home would have.

"its your home." he said.

"what? how? where are we?" I asked as I went threw another large door way leading into a large kitchen.

"everyone that comes here gets a home, they've all been refurbished. you are in California." he said as he watched me wonder around the house.

"California? wasn't that part of America?" I asked.

"it still is. and to be exact you are in what use to be Hollywood California." Pete said.

"I don't understand any of this." I said.

"you may need to sit down." Patrick said kindly and I walked back into the living room and sat down in a comfortable chair and looked at them patiently.

"how long have you been here?" I asked Pete.

"the night I came to talk to you guys they threw my match and I out, at least you guys got supplies." he said

"where is your match?" I asked curiously making Pete's head fall and there was silence for a moment.

"she didn't make it here." Pete said "I arrived the next day but the heads badly beat her and it was hard for her to walk." he said

"you're here because I found you guys, I herd that they had thrown you two out too and I came looking for you in case there was a chance it was true. this place is exactly like the middle world, they use a lot of things and old houses and rebuild them, this place has been here as long as the New World has, here people live just like they did in the old world. people have jobs, and money." he said. I couldn't believe any of this. I took off for the front door with a smile on my face and three it open and went outside onto to the green lawn. on this street there were large single standing houses that all looked different some had flowers in front of them and some houses had pale blue siding or a weird green siding some were made of brick. cars drove by with people driving them on their own without drivers.

"people own cars here" Pete laughed. everything looked exactly like it would of in the early 2000's

"how big is this place" I asked Pete.

"huge, I was told there were even more scattered around." he said.

"this place Is too big for us Pete, we can't have children." Patrick said.

"hey, it wasn't my decision." Pete shrugged.

"who's was it? I asked how does the government work here?" I asked.

"there isn't one. it was tough for me to understand too, but everyone works together here doing their separate jobs every day. mine is to find people and help them get a custom to life here so I'm supposed to know about all these things. they just throw people out of that place all the time, that's why the population never goes up and that's why you need four children." Pete said. "this was all explained to me when I came in here, I'm still not sure If I understand." Pete laughed. "have you two planning to stay together?" Pete asked.

"again, yes, she's my wife." Patrick said firmly.

" again, no, she's not, not here anyway." Pete said.

"were not married here?" I asked Pete.

"no one is" Pete said. "I better go and let you guys wonder freely in your better world" Pete laughed. "I'll be back tomorrow." Pete said to me and I nodded and hugged him again. Patrick and I went back inside and I explored the house some more. I went back up the stairs and opened one of the doors to find a crib and colorful toys I went in the next and found a room with a small bed and dresser with a book case with a couple of children's books in it. the last room was the room I had woken up in and what I had figured to be mine and Patrick's.

I had opened the drawers to find men's and women's old world clothes. I ran back down stairs into the hall and opened another door that had a bathroom, then the next door that led to a small room had these two white, square machines in it.

"Patrick?!" I called and herd his footsteps on the wood floor coming to my aid.

"yes?" he asked.

"what are these?" I asked opening up the top on one only see a hollowed out cylindrical shape on the inside.

"Pete said they are used to clean clothing, somehow." Patrick said.

"our clothes aren't delivered to us and taken away each week?" I asked him and he shook his head. "then how do we get food?!" I asked this world was crazy and made no sense.

"okay, this explanation is a long one" Patrick signed.

" we get jobs to help our community, then we get money for them and Pete said something about going to a place called a store to by food." Patrick said.

" what?" I asked confused.

"I don't know, its kind of like the New World, and how the men have jobs there, but here we get money and we go to a store somewhere and trade the money for food." Patrick explained.

"that's ridiculous." I said unamused.

"I got some money when I came in here, they gave it to me, so we'll be able to eat until I find a job somehow." Patrick said.

"this isn't going to be simple like the new world is it?" I asked him.

"I don't think so." he said.

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