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The next morning there was a knock at the door at the came time as yesterday morning. Patrick and I exchanged fearful glances knowing it was the head. I went to take my place on the couch as he answered the door. the same head with the short hair cut and the bright smile greeted us as she walked in. her and Patrick both sat on the couch now.

"so, do you think it worked this time?" she asked taking out the silver square gadget with buttons on the front.

" yes I believe it worked" I smiled.

"what if it didn't?" Patrick asked her and her cheery smile was replaced by a fake one.

"well, that hardly ever happens, but in those cases you are directly taken to the doctor, where he runs some tests and explains to you your options." she said then put the silver object on my stomach.

"this is very unusual. it didn't work again." she said and there was silence as she checked again, nothing. "I'm afraid you two are a very rare case." she said.

"I herd there's another couple in our housing unit having trouble too, are we really that rare?" I asked.

"yes, Mr. and Mrs. Wentz aren't trying, you two are, I just don't understand. I'm going to call you two a car to take you to Doctor Henry. it is urgent for you two to have your first, its almost the deadline" she said. "no, no time for a car. Come with me she stood up quickly and brought us outside and stuffed is into the back seat of her car and she got in with us.

"to doctor Henry, please." she told the driver, her voice and actions seemed rushed. Patrick and I glanced at each other, we were both scared but the head beside us still wore a smile. the drive was quiet and Patrick held my hand.

we pulled up at a large white building with tall stone columns and rows of stairs that led out onto the side walk, it looked like our court house.

" there will be a car waiting on you when you come out. May you two have a good marriage have a healthy four." she said and Patrick got out of the car and helped me out. he continued to hold my hand to settle my nerves, or his, as we walked up the white stone stairs, under the stone pillars and through the wide door way into what looked to be a waiting area with a reception desk.

"can I help you?" the lady who looked to be an elder smiled.

"we were sent here to see Doctor Henry." Patrick said after he cleared his throat.

"Mr . and Mrs. Stump?" the woman asked kindly as she smiled bigger at our interlocked hands.

"yes." Patrick confirmed.

"there's an elevator, just around the corner to your left, Dr. Henry is on the second floor, I'll let him know your here." she said.

"thank you" Patrick said.

"and may you two have a good marriage and a healthy four Mr. and Mrs. Stump" she said as we walked off to find the elevator.

"I hate that," Patrick mumbled as we went up in the elevator.

"what? the greeting?" I asked.

"yes! its on my last nerve." he laughed.

"I always thought it was kind of cute." I shrugged and he just smiled at me and gripped my hand tighter as the doors opened. we stepped into a another waiting area much like the first decorated I'm white marble and huge intricate rug, except there was no reception desk, there were only chairs that lined the walls. Patrick looked at me and shrugged and led me over to the shiny silver chairs.

there were a couple wooden doors across from us that were all closed.

"I think I remember coming here as a child." Patrick whispered to me.

"why?" I asked curiously whispering back but even our whispers echoed off the great, glossy stone walls and floor.

"my parents said I was sick." he shrugged.

"no one ever gets sick." I said. "what did the doctor do?"

"I know, I don't understand what it was either. the doctor just gave me a pill, I think. that was what I put down on the test as my earliest childhood memory." he said maybe the doctor could solve all this with just a pill.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stump?" a bald man in a white thin coat asked us and we both nodded. "come back with me please," he said and we followed him through wooden the door he had come out of.

in this small room was a large wooden old world style wooden desk with two of the same metallic chairs from the waiting room in front of it.

"if you both would stay standing for just one moment." he said and took a what looked like a pen and a small hand held screen out of his pocket. he pushed a small button on the pen and a blue light came out of it. he began to scan me with the blue light by moving it down the length of my body, then he did the same to Patrick.

"you may have a seat now." he said and walked around to his side of the desk and sat down while messing with the small screen. Patrick and I clasped our hands back together and sat down reluctantly.

"I have some bad news." the doctor began. "Bethany isn't producing any eggs, so she is unable to have children." his words made my eyes fill with tears, what was I supposed to do now?

"is there any thing you can do?" Patrick asked with a desperate tone.

"unfortunately none that will help you have your four, but I do have other options." the doctor began and looked at each of us carefully.

"I can send Bethany to be with the elders and you can have another match, or you both may leave." he said

"leave?" I said.

"yes, outside the gates." the doctor said calmly.

"well, what's outside the gate?" Patrick asked.

"does anyone really know?" he said and got up out of his chair. "I will give you both a minute to talk it over" he said and left the room.

hey guys! what do you think they will chose?

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