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February... Damn how can it already be February... Well February 3rd 2068 to be clear on that. When will we get rid of these bastards. When will humans act like humans. When will the hiding stop. When will I stop be unashamed of what this world has become- I stop myself to any further thinking that will only cause me tears. Let me get you up to date on this, I'm with a survival group. We're surviving against the world and their monsters. 'Zombies' I believe they're called. The undead, the corps, the walkers, whatever you'd like to name them. I have no interest in naming them. I have an interest in killing them.

Everything isn't rainbows and sunshine as you can tell, we have a serious problem here. I've read a couple of novels from 2012 about these things but apparently they were all a myth, fiction, not real, fake- that is until 2060. See it all began with one genius screwing up the cure for the common cold. Everyone thought it was life changing. But it only worked for the first couple of hours. After that, you die, come back to life, and severely crave the human flesh. Mmm how great. It only took one person to try and test the cure... Then it all went downhill from there. I lost my parents. My siblings. All the people I cared for. That's why our group has its own motto, 'Don't Get Attached'. Cliche I know but it's the truth.

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