Chapter 15: Pity Make out

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(See authors note at the end before reading)

It's been 9 days since Ronald last slept. It kills me to see him like this. He's so clumsy in this stage, he can't even walk right. He tries to do the things he could do before but... It's too sad to see him feel this way. Everyone notices it, Tyler makes sure he doesn't fall over, Milo laughs because he looks high all the time, and Chadwick isn't impressed with his coordination. I know he's not my boyfriend or anything but It feels like it and I'm worried sick for him, if he would only open up and talk about what's bothering him, maybe, just maybe he would have a good night sleep.

Since it's my turn to make dinner for the whole group I walk to the kitchen looking for anything edible to make delicious.

"Do we have apples?", Ron stumbles in looking around.

"Yeah right here", I grab a red apple from the basket and hand it to him

"Thanks", he says running it under some water and grabbing a knife

"What are you doing?", I ask, suddenly worried about a sleep deprived Ron with a knife

"Cutting my apple"

"How about I do that for you"

"No, I'm perfectly capable of cutting a damn Apple. Stop babying me", as he begins to cut the apple, the wedges come out crooked and uneven. Then it happens. "SHIT FUCK WHY", he cut himself. Blood pouring out his fingers, he's cursing and looking at it with glazed eyes.

"Ron", I take his hand and run it under water, pouring some old rubbing alcohol onto the cut and wrapping it a bandage around his fingers.

"Thank you", he mumbles looking onto the bloody apple.

"You can't eat that now anyway, I'm going to make dinner I don't want you to spoil your appetite."

Assuming the conversation is over, I pull out some vegetables and start getting ready to clean some fresh fish that Milo had caught that morning. As I was about to boil some water, felt a hand on my waist. I turned around and was kissed by Ron. I kissed back obviously, wrapping my arms around his neck, running one of my hands up his arms and into his hair. He secured his hand around my waist and pushed me against a counter. Everything seemed to be going slow as the kiss became sweeter and intense. We could've probably kept going if it wasn't for Maria who walked in and saw us.

"Omg! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to... Um... I should... Bye!", she ran out back to her room.

I let go on Ron and he let go of me, and without a word, he left too.

Now wait a minute. What had just happened there?. I finished dinner as fast as I could and hurried to get the fish smell off me so I could talk to Ronald.

After I cleaned up, I went to his room and sat on his bed "why'd you kiss me earlier?", I asked casually.

"I wanted to kiss", he said. Acting like he didn't realize he was teasing me badly. Okay. Two can play this game.

"Just cus you wanted to kiss?", I asked standing up.

"That's right", he answered laying down.

"Interesting", I hummed laying down with my head on his chest, and leg intertwined with his.

"What are you doing?", he questioned as I pulled his face down to mine.

I kissed him on impulse and noticed how little hesitation he had on kissing back.
Laying there with him, just kissing was nice, he rested a hand on my hip and moved it up and down occasionally. We came up for air a couple times and shifted around till I ended up straddling him. We kissed in that position for a while longer. I could feel him tense up whenever I cupped his face or put my hands on his chest. I got off him, disconnecting our lips and I heard him groan. But being the boy he is, he looked up at me and smirked, "what was that for", he asked.

"Just cus", I reply.

He rolls his eyes at me and sits back up. "That was not just cus.", he stated.

"It was a pity makeout session, I feel bad for you and your temporary insomnia situation"

"Well damn, that should be my reward for everything then", he smiled.

"You're not that lucky, you gotta tell me what's causing your problem", I felt him shut down completely after I said that. His smirk wiped off and he laid back down.

"I'm going to try to sleep. Close the door on your way out", he mumbled, turning on his side.

Did I just trigger something?....

Lol this is probably the most awkward chapter that I've ever written cus of the makeout scenes but you know... Nope yeah it was hella awkward I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward. Oh well A good writer can get over it. I hope it's good and you guys liked it. Please give me some feed back. Tell me about your fav characters, who you wana see featured more and oh yeah... I MADE IT TO 1K READS WOW GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH! Tell me what else you want to see next, more romantic parts, more funny parts, more zombies, tell me and I approximate it love you all

-kat (I did not add anything to the chapter itself I just edited the spelling errors and added stuff to this AUTHORS NOTE)

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