Chapter 1: I had broken the ultimate rule

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In our cruel circumstances I find myself thinking about how my life would be if this all hadn't happened. Would I have a gotten into college? Would I have had a smoking hot intelligent boyfriend by now or would I just be the neighborhood hobo. My parents always encouraged me to try and get into good schools and do something with my life. I was seeking to be a magazine editor or an actress or someone who solves crimes! Yeah that would have been cool...

'CONNIE! Stop getting lost in your thoughts, we gotta keep moving!'

And so my thoughts about life were once more interrupted by Tyler. As I stood up from the mossy rock I've been sitting on - great more stains - I noticed Chadwick and Milo having a small argument. As I got closer I could hear Chad going off about how you're not supposed to taunt the walking corps.

'That's ENOUGH, Milo'

"Oh come on Chad it's not like they understand me?!"

"I don't care if they don't understand you stop being such an immature child. Do you not understand what kinda problem the world is in right now!"

"That doesn't mean I can't forget about the problem for a minute and make fun of them, loosen up for once, why don't you. You're always getting such a big head about being the leader of this group."

"It's not a big head Milo I just don't want anyone getting hurt"

"Yeah you don't want anyone to have fun either", Not wanting to hear anything else he had to say, Milo kept moving to our destination as Chadwick sighed. With that being over, I walked next to Chad and asked where we were going as I had not been paying attention.

"We're hiding out in an old Walmart down the street. Maybe they'll be some foods and weapons left"

A Walmart... That's actually pretty smart. That's something only Ron could think of.

Speaking of Ron, you need some catching up. Ronald [he hates it when I call him that] left our group about 2 years ago. He was sexy, smart, and a super flirt with me. He acted like my own personal protector. Always looking out for me... He had the most gorgeous blue eyes and was so fit. How can someone stay looking that good in a world like this. I don't know how that boy did it but damn, he had stolen my heart. But enough of that, he's gone, he left, he's selfish for not thinking how I would feel. I can't say I hated him for it because I didn't. I wanted what's best for him but I missed him. I missed him so much it's not even healthy. But Chadwick is the one that had a problem with him.

They were constantly arguing. Competing to be the best leader or what not. Chad always got angry whenever Ron and I would talk or do things together. And I don't know why, maybe because I'd broken the 'ultimate' rule, "Don't Get Attached" and I had, gotten attached to Ronald...


Hey guys so I don't know if you're enjoying this story or not, so please give me feed back. Also please comment and help me pick who should cast as Connie (for visual characteristics). If you don't know what she looks like go look at my last chapter 'meet the characters'. And also please vote this and this plot belongs to me however the things I mention (Walmart and companies like that) do not obviously just making sure. And I will try to update a lot because I have nothing else to do lol. And also I'm thinking of changing the name of this story and I need to make a new cover. That is all for now, until the next chapters, goodbye


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