Chapter Three- First day

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        The blare of my alarm clock jolted me from my sleep. I groaned and swatted blindly at it, failing when I knocked it off of the night stand and on to the floor. I opened my eyes and glared at the ceiling. The alarm kept blaring so I threw my covers back and picked the alarm clock turning it off. 

        "Annoying alarm clocks," I muttered under my breath as I got up and walked into the bathroom to start getting ready for school. After showering I put on a teal blouse with black skinny jeans,  that both hugged my slender figure, showing off the little bit of curves I do have, which isn't much. I stood in the mirror staring at the girl that stood before me. Her strawberry blonde hair was hanging loosely in its natural waves cascading down her shoulders, her big brown eyes shimmering and dancing with the little bit of sunlight that was leaking through the curtains, specks of gold evident in her eyes. She may even think of herself as pretty if it weren't for the nasty scar that crept its way around left arm up the back of her neck and down her left side. Luckily her hair was long enough to cover the burn marks on her neck. I sighed and looked away from my reflection blinking away the tears that had worked their way into my eyes. I will not cry over this. I cannot  cry over this, I told myself. I have to be strong, it is what my parent's would want. I have to be strong for them. Even with the hollow feeling eating away inside of me, i still need to be strong. I shook my head and continued getting ready. I put a bit of mascara on and then a little bit of eyeliner. I'm not much for make up. My parents always used to tell me that i didn't need it that i was beautiful without it, so i don't wear a lot of make-up, i never have. I ran a brush through my hair and left it down, if it weren't for the scar on the back of my neck I would have put it in a loose french braid, but obviously I couldn't do that. I walked out of my bathroom and tugged on my combat boots and sat down at my desk, pulling out my journal. 

        Monday, April 22nd

        Today is my first day of the new school. To say that I am dreading it would be putting it lightly, but can you really blame me? I mean who would want be the new kid in the middle of the year, especially someone like me. Someone who has a past that they don't want anyone to find out, but when you are the new kid people seem to make it there mission to figure you out. I'm just hoping that I can get by unnoticed and people wont try to dig in my past. So wish me luck, as i go to the one place that resembles hell, high school. 


        I placed my journal in the drawer and grabbed my bag and phone and then put on my leather jacket as i walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, to see Sara sitting at the table eating. 

        "Where is Matt?" I asked, he is supposed to give me a ride to school. 

        "Oh, Chris offered to give you a ride to school, so Matt went ahead and left so he could go pick up some of his friends," Sara said, taking a sip of her coffee. I grabbed an apple and took a bite of it. 

        "Cool," I said. 

        "Yeah, so Chris walked you home last night?" Sara asked. I nodded my head, taking another bite of my apple.         

        "Yeah, he did." I said. Sara wiggled her eyebrows and winked at me. "It isn't like that," I said. 

        "Mhm," Sara replied. I just shook my head and finished my apple. "You know he is a nice boy, and i think you need someone like him to be there for you, you are going through a hard time," Sara said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

        "What about you, you are trying to set me up when you are still single," Sara's face grew red and she glanced down at her hands. That's when i noticed the extra cup of coffee and the half eaten plate on the table. 

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