Chapter Five

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        The rest of the school day seemed to drag by agonizingly slow and to make things even better Derek was in every single one of my classes and every chance he got he would remind me about going out tonight with him. I'm just hoping that after going to the diner Derek will actually leave me alone but, something tells me that he wont do that.         

        When I reached my locker I put everything that I wouldn't need tonight in my locker and grabbed the stuff that I will need out of it. 

        "Hey Serenity,  where were you during lunch, I meant to ask you in gym, but I was playing football with the guys," Chris asked me as he walked up beside me with Skylar at his side. 

        "Oh the talk with Mr. Hall, took up too much time," i said as I shut my locker. 

        "Why did Mr. Hall want to talk to you?" Chris asked me.        

        "Remember how I was telling you about my aunts boyfriend?" I asked Chris, he nodded his head his eyebrows knotting in confusion. "Mr. Hall is not only know as Mr. Hall but, also Beck Sara's new boyfriend," I said. Chris gaped at me. 

        "You are joking right?" Chris exclaimed. I shook my head no. "Matt is going to have a field day with this," Chris said. 

        "Yeah, looks like the both of us are actually going to have to behave in school, up to Sara's standards," I said. Skylar and Chris laughed. 

        "Matt behaving in school, that's funny, he is the class clown," Skylar said. Chris nodded his head in agreement. i just shrugged my shoulders. 

        "Anyways, we were wandering if you wanted to come to the beach with us, Skylar likes to go there and do her homework after school," Chris said. I glanced over Chris' shoulder to see Derek leaning against his locker talking to one of his friends. 

        "I would love to, but I can't," I said with a sigh. I saw disappointment flash across Skylars face.

        "Why not?" She asked me. 

        "I already have plans with someone, Derek wants to take me to some diner and he wont leave me alone until I let him do that." I answered her. Her eyes lit up.     

        "Derek as in Derek Black?" Skylar asked me. I nodded my head. A small squeal escaped her lips. "Derek hasn't taken an interest in a girl in forever, and now he is taking you on a date," Skylar exclaimed. i gaped at her. I never said it was a date. Is it a date? No, I am not going on a date. 

        "It isn't a date and he hasn't taken an interest in me, and he has that Ashley girl," I clarified for Skylar. 

        "Ashley is nothing to him, she just asked him to homecoming and he said yes, and every since then she thinks that she has some sort of claim on him," Skylar said. 

        "Well it still isn't a date," I said. Skylar just shrugged her shoulders. 

        "Anyways, I should probably get going," I said. Skylar and Chris nodded. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said as I grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder and walking toward Derek who was now standing there alone. 

        "I almost half expected you to ditch me," Derek said as I walked over to him. 

        "Don't think that it didn't come across my mind because it did, multiple times," I replied. Derek chuckled and pushed off of the locker that he was lazily leaning against. 

        "Well even if you would have ditched me, I know where Matt lives and I know that you are his cousin," Derek said as he started walking. I could feel the curious gazes of the people that were still in the hallway on Derek and I.

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