44. I'm waiting for that day!

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The whole apartments's people were present on the terrace looking at the arrangements of their lovely swara and sanskaar's pre wedding rituals and today it was their haldi. Everyone was busy with doing all the arrangements and all. Blood related doesn't need to be only said as family it was about hearts which cares and love prevails for a person ever and that is what is called family. When people accepts who ever you are then that's call family, when people celebrate your happiness and be beside you always in your tuff corners then that's called a family.

Swara and sanskaar had no words to express their happiness and how grateful they feel when they see people celebrating for them. Though they missed their loved ones beside they at least these people are there with them.

"Okay let's start the rituals." Sukanya being the oldest person present announced.

"Half of you on sanskaar's side and half on swara, now divide." She further informed.

That is when all started having quarrels on whom side they were going to be. While swara and sanskaar chuckled seeing them fighting for them.

"Everyone stopppp!" The little niya who was totally irritated with their quarrels shouted at the top of her voice making everyone stop their fight and looked at her.

"I have an idla (idea)" Myra said softly.

"We all together kleep (keep) this." Niya and Myra said in unison.

All looked at each other while these two rolled their eyes.

"That's a good plan, doing this there would no fight. I'm proud of you both my kiddos." Sukanya said while the twins smiled shyly.

And all the womens joint together and kept haldi on sanskaar making him feel blessed and his face was fully covered in yellow at ones followed by swara. Soon mens started keeping haldi one by one teasing the couple. While at least the twins finished the ritual by applying the haldi on both of them.

Words had no place when eyes speaks and today it reflected all the joy and happiness they felt.


"Princess I'll be back soon. I'm going to office now." Sanskaar kissed her forehead softly and left.

Everything came back to normal the day when they proposed each other and when they informed this to all of them here and the people intial told them that they were also their family and that's how they started doing all the rituals.

Washing the dishes they ate for breakfast swara sat down on the couch and started switching channels through the remote totally bored as nothing attracted her to see further and that is when she heard "Durga Prasad Maheshwari...." while turning channels.

"Did I hear it right?" Thinking about what she heard she started going back to the channels she went before and she wasn't haulcinating it was true, it was him.

"The owner of Maheshwari and groups, Durga Prasad Maheshwari is now no where on business field and it is said that he is admitted in the city hospital due to severe health issues. Stay tuned for more updates about business."

Swara switched off the television. This has to be true because he was no where to be found in the field. Thinking of something she informed nivi that she's got to go somewhere out and only will be back late night with him and not to worry about them and went to his office.


"Swara, anything important?" Sanskaar asked as he closed his files and looked at her.

"Yes we are off to Kolkata, Now! I've already got the tickets." Swara said quickly without letting him speak which made him confuse of her sudden behavior .

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