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Chapter 1 : Run

"44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." John 8:44


The bitter smell got stronger and stronger as I walked cautiously towards it. I felt a pull towards it's direction. Every bone in my body shivered with fear my mind begging me to turn back. I could feel it's sinful presents as my heart was beating so hard it was painful.

As I got closer, deeper In to the woods I could hear it devor it's pray I could hear every crunch...lick...nibble as it savoured the taste. I felt hot and dizzy yet I moved closer to what would of been my death.

I stand frozen feeling paralysed as my eyes lay on the devil it's self. His eyes shot through me makeing my heart ache. I felt the urge to throw up as the air was so thick and bitter. The beings face was covered in fresh flood as he licked his lips satisfied with his meal. He grins revealing his long needle like fangs drenched in blood.

As the man or wommans corpse layed there shreded to pieces as the beasted smiled admiring his work and turns back to look at me , with more than it's malevolent eyes a sly grin grew upon its face.


I did just that , I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I begged, pleaded them to move faster. I could sense him all around me I could feel his demonic presents enclosing on me. I knew that death was near I could hear the bells of heaven ringing in my ears. All I had left was hope...

But was hope and my prayers enough?

In that moment when my body felt numb and weak I was ready to give up on all life. Suddenly I was picked up and taken out of the woods too fast for my weak mind to comprehend. I was layed gently on the path I started on. As a loud screech echoed in the background.

I don't know what saved me but I own it my life. I owe it more than could possibly give.


I always do the first chapters short I don't know why

Hoped you enjoyed so far

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