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Chapter 9:  Siblings

"Sibling relationships are complicated. All family relationships are. Look at Hamlet." – Maurice Saatchi


THUD!  A large pillow comes crashing on my face causing me to groan in annoyance.

"What the fuck," I say annoyed

"Wakey wakey liakáda," he says standing across the room fresh out the shower his towel around his waist, his long hair black hair glued to his face as I follow the small droplets of water now sliding down his chest stoping at where the towel.

I grab the pillow, hiding my now flustered face. I scream In my head not knowing what was more torture this or him beating me the first day we met.

I quickly realised that being beaten was 100 times worse than my uncontrollable female hormones and that this man I'm here ogling over is a inhuman demon who decides whether I live or die.

I quickly compose my self keeping my eyes on his face and not his godly abs.

"What language is that?" I ask

"Greek," he says now disappearing into his walk in closet which I discovered last night.

"And what about princesa? Spanish maybe?" I shout now getting out of the bed.

Last night hazel speared me the awkward talk and allowed me to stay in his bed last night. He said he had work to do so stayed in his study next door most of the night.

I decided not to question it, I was expecting the floor or a couch but his bed was definitely a major upgrade.

"Well they didn't lie when they said your smart," he says coming out of the closet now fully dressed and buttoning up his shirt.

I smirk at his comment and tidy the bed as best as I could.

""Come help me do my tie," he says holding his tie in front of him. I stare at him weirdly surprised.

He sighs "please" he says softer gesturing towards the tie once again. I nod and walk towards him. I grab the tie from him and wrap it over his neck, I stare at the tie puzzled as I don't know how to tie a tie on other people. I glance at him as he stares at me with a curious look.

I laugh nervously and take the tie from around him.

"I can only do it on myself wait a second,"
I say tying the tie on my own neck. Once satisfied I smile taking it off myself turning to put it on him.

He stares at me the whole time as I gently pull the tie tightening it around his neck so it fit comfortably. I stand back admiring my work and tap on his chest indicating I'm all done.

"Thank you," he says clearing his throat

"Go get ready I don't want to be late, we have breakfast in 20 and we're leaving in a hour" he says walking over to his desk looking through papers.

I nod and rush to the shower now knowing how to use it. I look in the mirror noticing I've got noticeably underweight, I've been here for a week I say to myself in disbelief.

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