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Chapter 4 : Taken

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."

- Marilyn Monroe


SILENCE , an awkward and uncomfortable silence lingered in the atmosphere. Even Tilly was silent. The sound of our spoons scraping the bowls and the crunch of the cereal echoed around the room.

Jen and me were both stubborn and head strong women which is difficult in situations like this. We're both not willing to make the first move and just apologise. However I don't really see why I should as I didn't do anything wrong.

I check the time not wanting to be late. 6:00 I sigh. I have about an hour and a 30 to get ready. I stand up and Breaking the silence.

"Tilly go upstairs and get ready for school please,"I smile as she nods leaping from her chair and running up the stairs.

I leave my plate on the side and run upstairs to the bathroom. As I enter I shiver remembering the encounter that happened yesterday. It's just my imagination. I say trying to brush it off.

I turned the shower on waiting for the water to heat up before removing my clothes and stepping in.

I let the warm water wash away all worries and strange encounters I've had in these past few days hoping...praying That it would all just go away.

I step out the shower wrapping my towel around me and brushing my hair up into a bun not wanting to deal with it.

I run into my bedroom and put on a plane black t-shirt and black high wasted jeans that I left out the night before.

I smile with satisfaction in the mirror as I put my socks on and head to Tilly's room.

As I get closer I stop dead in my tracks as I hear her scream playfully and giggle. I raise my brow confused.

"Put me down" she laughs Suddenly she stops. "Don't worry my Nina will be very good," she says giggling "I thinks she gonna like it very much!" She says exited.

I now barge into the room and look around scared and confused. But nothing. Tilly was grinning up at me on her pink fluffy bed.

"Tilly who were you talking to ?" I question she looks behind me and giggles. I turn around wondering what she's looking at.


"I can't tell you yet but Nina promise me you'll be good and..." she pauses as she starts to tear up. I look concerned and quickly hug her tightly.

"Oh Tilly don't cry,"I say. She sits on my lap and grabs my face with her tiny hands. her face now red and I can see she's trying her hardest to hold back tears.

"Don't he gone for to long," she says as she hugs me tightly. "I'm not going anywhere Tilly don't worry," I say hugging her back.

I pull her away and wipe her face. "Get changed and brush your teeth okay, you've still got school," she nods wiping the snot from her nose.

What the hell is going on.whoever or whatever has been toying with me these last few days will regret. Involving my family in this.


I enter the coffee shop dot on 8 o'clock. I smile proud of my time keeping skills. I'm greeted by Jess. "The boss is in the back," she smiles I nod as I follow the direction she pointed at.

I push past the door behind the counter and walk through the small locker room knocking over mops and cleaning products. Shit.

I scramble to the floor trying to put everything back up. As I hear a chuckle. I quickly look up now startled. As I saw Damian leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

My face heats up due to embarrassment as I fumble to my feet knocking the mops over again.

"You scared me" I say making sure the mops we're sturdy and wouldn't fall again.

"Sorry, follow me this way," he chuckles before leading me to a small office.

"Sit" he says gesturing to the two chairs In front of him," I nod and sit down

"Well I have a proposal for you," he smiles

I looked at him confused yet curious so I nod

"The job I was actually going to give you is an assistant," he says

"Why would you need and assistant for such as small coffee shop?" I say raising a brow

He chuckles

"Your right, but you wouldn't be working for me. You would be working for my boss who owns multiple of business all over the place,"

I knew you shouldn't really ask this question in a interview but it was the only thing I wanted to know.

"How much would I get payed?" I ask

He smiles happy about my answer "£80,000 a month,"

My jaw gawped open. I-

I soon was caught back to my senses. I haven't shown any cv or anything yet he's giving me this job which is worth so much?

Something wasn't adding up.

"What's the catch?" I ask Straight faced

"You won't be able to stay at your current house and would have to move alone closer to the boss," he says

Nope. My head made the decision right there and then. I wasn't gonna just leave them and throw them a few grand every month. I promised Tilly I wouldn't leave her and I'm not planning to.

"No" I say getting up out of the seat "I'm sorry to disappoint but I won't be able to take your offer thank you though," I say grabbing my jacket getting ready to leave.

"I'm really sorry Nina," he whispers behind me.

"For wha-," before I could say anything I felt a sharp pain in my neck before everything turns black.


Chapter 4 done HEHEHE
Basically I had to re write chapters 4,5,6 as I accidentally deleted them ;(
But I'm bring DK back YAYAYA
I Haven't re read this chapter so sorry for any mistakes

Ly allllll xx💋

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